Page 73 of Deception

“Need help to get inside?”

I scoffed. “I think I can get into one measly mansion.”

“They hired Gunner to beef up their security.”

I shot my best friend a look, and he chuckled. We both knew that wouldn’t even make us have to try very hard. Of course, I could have knocked on the front door. But I didn’t want to wake everyone up. And getting past security undetected had the added benefit of pissing Gunner off.

Gunner was the best, but we were better. That wasn’t arrogance, but years of cruel training that had forced us to become the best or risk losing a finger. Or worse, a whole limb. Maurizio didn’t tolerate insubordination.

The mansion was lit up when we pulled up. No dark corners to hide in. Smart. I also noticed additional cameras, and the fence had been raised.

Santino stopped in an unlit part of the street. “Sure you don’t want me to help?”

“I’m good. Worst-case, they catch me and wake everyone up.”

He drove off, and I walked the perimeter, checking for weak points. There were none, so over the wall I went. There were a few dead spots the cameras couldn’t cover, and I made it to the patio door without raising the alarm, silently slipping inside.

The alarm was a bit harder to disable, but since I’d installed this particular system before, I switched it off before it could send out an alert.

I’d been here a few times and knew where the guest room was that Everleigh would be in.

The door opened without a sound, and I walked into the dark room. Sofie was snoring softly, lying on the bed like a starfish. Everleigh was curled up close to the edge, her face relaxed in sleep.

I pulled Sofie over to the side, kissing the side of her head and pulling the covers back over her. Then I undressed down to my boxers and T-shirt and lifted Everleigh up, putting her in the middle of the bed.

She curled into me as soon as I lay down. Despite the thoughts churning in my head, I fell asleep almost instantly.

“People need to stop breaking into my house.”

I woke with a start, blinking at Thea standing in the door, hands on her hips, glaring at me.

“Sorry, Thea.”

Everleigh stirred and looked at me with a sleepy smile. “What are you doing here?”

I kissed her nose, relishing the length of her body pressed to mine. “I didn’t want to spend the night without you.”

Thea made a gagging sound. “You guys are disgusting.” She waved at Sofie who’d woken up as well. “Come on, monkey. You can help me make breakfast.” She turned back to us. “You have thirty minutes. And we wait for no one.”

Sofie climbed over Everleigh, a blinding smile on her face. “Daddy, you’re back.”

She collapsed on top of me, giggling when I rained kisses on her head. “Missed you, preciosa.”

As soon as I released her, she jumped off the bed, racing over to Thea and taking her hand. “Can we make pancakes? And waffles? With bacon?”

Thea tugged on her hand, smiling. “Of course we can.” They left, closing the door behind them, their happy chatter fading in the distance.

As soon as we couldn’t hear them anymore, I pulled the sheet over my head, placing kisses and playful nips on Everleigh’s stomach where her shirt had ridden up. “Thirty minutes is plenty of time for what I have in mind for you.”

She laughed, squirming underneath me. “If we’re not down there for breakfast in twenty-eight, she’s going to come back.”

“I’ll lock the door.”

We hadn’t had much privacy lately, and I was desperate for a taste of Everleigh. At first, my ribs wouldn’t allow for much movement, and then Sofie kept having nightmares, climbing into our bed most nights.

“How can I say no to such a gracious offer?” Her eyes shone with happiness, and my chest nearly puffed out at the thought that I could put that look on her face.

I crawled up her body and took her mouth in a kiss, trying to convey all my feelings through it. She wound her arms around my neck, then her legs around my middle, squirming to get closer.