Page 72 of Deception

“Listen, I can’t talk long.”

I scrambled to keep him on the line, but my throat was so tight, I struggled to breathe.

“Tell me where you are. I can come get you.”

He sighed. “I only called so you wouldn’t worry about me. I’m safe. I’ll call you again soon, okay?”

“You have to come back. We can help you.” My pleading tone verged on desperate, but I didn’t care. I wanted him back with me.

Thea came back in, frowning when she noticed my tears. She mouthed, “Who is it?”

When I mouthed, “Archer,” back, she went stock-still.

“I love you. And I’ll be fine.”

“I love you too. Please, you have to—”

The phone was silent. He’d hung up.

Thea was still rooted to the ground. “Is he okay?”

“I don’t know.”

Neither of us was up for more talking. Thea looked like I felt, face ashen, arms wrapped tight around her body. “At least we know he’s still alive.”


We sat together in silence, my thoughts drifting to ways I could help Archer. But it always came down to the same thing: I had no idea where he was or why he was in trouble in the first place.

I wished Lucius were here. I always breathed easier with him around, my worries seemingly less consuming.

Thea got up, looking pale and fragile. “Let’s get some sleep.”

I knew she loved my brother. We were both older than him, but that hadn’t stopped us from taking him everywhere with us. And whenever I couldn’t get through to him, Thea always could. His disappearance hit her as hard as it did me.

“You want to stay in our room tonight? Have a slumber party?” I asked her on our way back to the entry hall. She’d go to the wing to the right, and I’d go to the left. I was carrying a sleeping Sofie, her soft snores providing the soundtrack for our walk.

“I need to be by myself for a while.” She hugged me around Sofie who didn’t stir. “Thanks for being the best friend I could hope for.”

“Right back at ya. We’ll figure this out.”

She nodded and shot me a forced smile, then stumbled off to her room.

After putting Sofie down on the bed, I changed into my sleep clothes and brushed my teeth. Exhausted, I sank under the sheets. But I couldn’t sleep until I’d talked to Lucius. I wanted to know how his trip had gone. Wanted to hear his voice.

He didn’t answer when I called, so I texted instead.

Me: How was your trip? Miss you xx.

He didn’t respond, and after a few minutes, I drifted off.



I saw Everleigh’s missed call and message as soon as we landed and turned my phone back on. It was two in the morning by the time we made it back to San Diego, but I had to see her. Hold her. Tell her I’d met my family. A family I didn’t know I had.

“Can you drop me off at Thea’s house?” I asked Santino, who was once again driving. This time because it was his car, an old Jeep he’d picked up for cheap and fixed up.