Page 7 of Riding Hard

“Yeah, Tilly told me that she got a call from her sister this morning about you showing up at her house. Thanks for doing that,” Owen said.

“No problem,” Mav breathed, “how’s she doing?”

“About the same, but I think that they are going to release her today.”

“And she’s still going to stay with you?” Maverick asked.

“That’s still the plan, why?” Owen questioned.

Mav held up his hands, wearing a shit-eating grin. “No reason,” he insisted. “I was just making conversation.”

“Well, cut it out,” Owen said.

“If I’m being honest, I also stopped by to tell you that I talked to Mace and he’s pretty pissed off that this happened at his club,” Maverick said. Shit—the last thing Owen needed was to piss off their club’s Prez. Mace was a good guy, but if he put you on his shit list, it was pretty hard to get off of it.

“I’ll apologize to him and make things right,” Owen said.

Mav barked out his laugh. “No, he’s not mad at you. He’s mad at Tilly’s asshole boss for knocking her out while she was in his club. He wants the guy’s head on a platter.” Owen breathed out a sigh of relief knowing that Mace’s anger wasn’t geared toward him.

“Don’t worry, man,” Maverick said. “You’re still a member of the Road Reapers.”

“Thank God,” Owen breathed. He had joined the Road Reapers shortly after Maverick and Steel did, a few years back. He loved that club with his whole heart. The guys in the club were like his brothers and he’d die for each and every one of them. They were a tight-knit group, and he wouldn’t trade his club for anything.

“He’d like to talk to you and meet Tilly when she’s up to it,” Mav said.

“I’ll bring her in this week if she feels like it. Thanks for relaying the message,” Owen said.

“No problem,” Maverick said.

“And thanks for running by Tilly’s sister’s place to tell her what happened,” he said. Maverick groaned and he wondered if there was more to the story that he wasn’t sharing. “You want to tell me what that noise is for?” he asked.

“Yeah—her sister was kind of a pain,” he grumbled. “She’s a kid and has a kid herself.”

“A pain how?” Owen asked.

“She just seemed to be a bit of a know it all. You know how I can’t stand women like that. Anyway, I told her about Tilly and then, we talked for a few minutes until her kid woke up.” Owen couldn’t help his smile. Mav really didn’t understand kids. In fact, he avoided them as though they had the plague. A tiny baby crying was enough to send his brother over the edge and that fact had always amused Owen.

“So, the kid scared the hell out of you, right?” Owen asked.

“No, and shut the fuck up,” Maverick grumbled.

“Yeah, okay,” Owen said. “Well, I know that Tilly appreciates you risking life and limb to tell her sister and her sister’s toddler about her accident.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Mav shouted, garnering some unwanted attention from the nurses around the corner.

“You’re going to get us both thrown out of here, asshole,” Owen loudly whispered.

“Excuse me, Mr. Blaine,” a nurse said from behind him. Shit—they were going to get kicked out of the hospital and then, who would take care of Tilly?

“Yes?” he asked, turning to face her while wearing his best smile.

“We’re going to be releasing your girlfriend in about thirty minutes and need you to be ready to get your vehicle from the parking garage,” she said. Maverick choked when the nurse called Tilly his girlfriend and he shout his brother a “Shut the fuck up” look.

“I’m ready whenever you are,” Owen said, laying on the charm. “Thank you for letting me know. I’m sure that Tilly will be thrilled to get out of here.” The nurse nodded and went back to the corner desk she and the other nurses shared.

“Girlfriend?” Maverick asked.

“Yeah, I had to tell them that we’re together. Otherwise, they would have made me leave after visiting hours. By lying and saying that I’m her boyfriend, they let me stay the night with her—you know, to keep an eye out for her ex-boss.”