Page 6 of Riding Hard

“It wasn’t an accident. In fact, I think that it was done on purpose. You were right about my boss, Melody. He’s a slime ball and he’s up to no good.”

“And now, you’re wrapped up in his mess, aren’t you?” her sister asked. “I know you, sis, you can’t seem to keep your nose out of trouble. Tell me that you didn’t get mixed up in the middle of his mess.”

“I wish I could,” Tilly grumbled, “but, I can’t. I found a hard drive on his desk and knew that I had to take my chance and grab it while he was out. I slipped it into my purse and left the office. I had no idea that Nate was tracking my car or that he’d follow me to the biker bar where I went to hide away in. I thought that he’d never look at a place like that for me.”

“Well, I don’t think that anyone would look for you in a biker bar. It’s not really your typical hangout,” Melody said.

“Yeah, well, he followed me there and when I went to the ladies’ room, he was waiting for me there. He climbed in through the window and left that way too, after he took my purse and knocked me out.”

“That’s awful,” Melody murmured, “I’d like just five minutes with that asshole.”

“It wouldn’t do you any good,” Tilly admitted. “Do you think he wouldn’t do the same to you that he’s done to me? June needs her mother.” Her sister’s two-year-old was Melody’s whole world. She loved June with her whole heart and honestly, Tilly thought that was the only reason why her sister stayed with her loser husband. Adam was an abusive asshole, but her sister always explained away his behavior, saying that he had a bad day or that he was just going through a bad time. Tilly didn’t buy all of Melody’s excuses, no matter how convincing her sister was. She tried to keep her nose out of her sister’s trouble, but it was getting harder to do lately.

“So, the biker you sent here, you know him well?” Melody asked.

“Um, no,” Tilly squeaked. “I just met him and his brother at the biker bar that I went to. They want to help me though and honestly, I’m not sure where else to turn.”

“You know, you can always come here,” her sister offered. “I wouldn’t let Nate anywhere near you.”

“I appreciate that, sis, but I won’t do that to you or June. Me coming to stay with you would only put you both in danger,” Tilly said. “I’m going to stay with Owen. He owns a security firm, and he says that he can help me.” She just hoped that he was being truthful and wasn’t trying to get into her pants with his pretty promises.

“So, you’re just going to stay with the big, burley biker?” Melody asked.

“I think you’re confusing Maverick and Owen,” Tilly said. “Maverick is the one we sent over to check on you and tell you about what happened. His brother, Owen isn’t as big or scary as his brother,” Tilly said. “In fact, he’s not scary at all,” she whispered to herself.

“You like him,” Melody accused.

“As I’ve already told you, I don’t really know him. But he seems like a good guy, and I believe that he really wants to help me,” Tilly said. Maybe she was setting herself up for disappointment, but she needed to be able to rely on someone. She was out of allies and having Owen on his side, and even his big, bad brother, Maverick, put her at ease.

“Well, his brother is scary as hell and honestly, he’s annoying. He kept calling me ‘Kid’,” Melody said. “I mean, he’s older than I am, but it was almost insulting.” Tilly stifled her laugh, not wanting to piss off her sister.

“Maybe he was just trying to be respectful. I mean, you are a married woman with a child,” Tilly reminded.

“Yeah, and if he called June, ‘Kid,’ that would feel normal, but I’m a grown woman,” Melody said.

“I’m sure that he didn’t mean anything by it,” Tilly assured.

“Are you sure that you don’t want to come stay here?” Melody asked. “Adam isn’t really here that much these days. He is spending a lot of time at work. It would just be us girls.”

“And that’s exactly why I can’t come over,” Tilly said. “I won’t put you and June in danger.”

“Well, if you need me for anything, you’ll call, right?” her sister asked.

“Of course,” Tilly agreed. “I’ll also keep you updated on everything. Hopefully, the cops will take my statement today and Nate will be behind bars, and I’ll be able to move on from this horrible nightmare. If I get out of here today, I’ll be at Owen’s. I’ll text you the address.”

“Thanks,” Melody said. “Stay safe, sis.”

“You too,” Tilly breathed and ended the call. She was going to talk to the police and then, she planned on begging the doctors and nurses to release her to go home—well, Owen’s home, but anyplace had to be better than her little hospital room.


Owen knew that giving Tilly the time and space that she needed was important in earning her trust, but he wanted to be by her side while she answered the cop’s questions. Instead, they talked to the two of them separately, and by the time they finished, Tilly insisted that she wanted to be discharged, even though she looked completely worn out.

The nurses finally agreed to find a doctor to check Tilly out and possibly release her as Owen waited in the hallway for the final verdict. “How’s she doing today?” Maverick asked, turning the corner from the elevators.

“What are you doing here?” Owen asked. He had a feeling that his brother had stopped by to see if Tilly had changed her mind about staying with him. Maverick didn’t like to lose and stopping by the hospital was probably a skilled move in his plan to win over the pretty redhead.

“I just wanted to let you know that I stopped by Tilly’s sister’s place to let her know what was going on,” Mav said, running his hands through his overly-long hair. It was his telltale sign that he was up to no good.