So he wanted to throw me out, but make it seem like I left on my own. He must respect his brother if he was going about it like this. If he thought this little document of his would scare me, he had another thing coming. I’m not freaked out by a bunch of words. I returned my attention back to the document, wondering what poor lawyer was made to draw up something this ridiculous:

By signing the document, The Property accepts to provide the use of her body to both Owner one and Owner two at any time the Owners deem fit. This includes, but not limited to, diet(1), clothing options(2), and sexual acts(3).

I flipped to the footnotes section, curious to see what the numbers mean, and I was not surprised by what I find. The first note, diet, went into all the ways Enrico and Niccolo would not only control the quantity of food I eat, but the times and locations. Same with the clothing as well. They would be in control of everything I wear and dictate my fashion and there was little room where I could say no. My consent would be given by signing the document. Then came note three. The sexual acts. And boy were they detailed:

The Property should be prepared to provide sexual relief to both Owners whenever they deem necessary, regardless of time or location. Sexual relief includes, but is not limited to; oral sex, vaginal sex, anal sex and masturbation (with or without the assistance of electrical and nonelectrical apparatus). Sexual acts can be recorded by both Owners and the video and audio copyrights will be in the possession of the owners.

Insane. Actual bonkers shit. They had left nothing on the table and it wasn’t all. There was more. I flipped through the document, reading all the ways I was expected to behave. There were some things I had expected to be part of the agreement from the rigorous selection process. Things like I wasn’t allowed to smoke, do drugs (that one was funny considering their profession), and have a boyfriend or husband while I was with them. It’s the other stuff in the contract, like dictating my movements, that got me second-guessing this whole thing. How would I be able to do what I hoped to achieve if I have to let them know where I am at all times?

But that wasn’t the only clause that raised my hackles:

The Property is required to attend any and all functions at the invitation of either Owners, including but not limited to, formal and informal dinners.

Formal and informal dinners? Aren’t these two Mafia henchmen? From what I understand of the Morelli empire, their two older brothers are the ones in charge of the legal side of the business, while Enrico and Niccolo control the street side. If they expected me to get dolled up and attend balls, no wonder the women in that room were mostly on the sophisticated end.

“Having second thoughts?” I raised my head to face him. He looked quite pleased with himself. If his goal was to freak me out, he had succeeded, but I wasn’t going to let him know that. Squirming is what he wants, and I wasn’t going to show it even though my instincts were screaming ‘get out!’ I sat up straight and returned his glare. “Are you going to let me finish reading or what?” He raises his hands and leans back in his chair.

Regardless of the whole ‘movement restriction’ part, the other stuff they required me to do were stuff I wasn’t sure I could do. Enrico and Niccolo probably thought because I am a stripper, I am a prostitute, but that’s not the case at all. My bedroom experience is well… non existent. And they were clearly expecting me to be, at most, a human sex doll. I knew I was going to sleep with them at some point, but I hadn’t thought it through or even thought about it until now. I have seen it done before, so how hard could it be?

When I reached the compensation part of the contract, I had to restrain myself from gasping. At least I would be a well-paid sex doll. The twins were paying me a hefty sum for my trouble. Seven figures per year in total doled out every month. It’s the kind of money a girl like me would only dream about. Life-changing money. No wonder women are falling over themselves to become ‘property’ of the twins.

But the money while a lot was not enough. I clearly bit more than I could chew and if there is time to call it quits, it’s now. There’s no way my virgin self could do half of things stipulated in the contract. Then there was the independence I would be surrendering. Trying to find out what happened to my friend would be impossible. Trying to learn how Zoe died and who killed her would be harder to do. But this was not the way to do it. I close the document and place it on the table.

“Done?” Enrico smirked. I wanted to punch him.



I looked down at the document again, and Zoe’s face appeared in my mind. If she was here, she would probably scream at me to run as far away as I can from these people. She crossed their paths and ended up dead. I was willingly walking in the lion’s den. Willingly sleeping with said lions. If they bit me, it would be my fault. But Zoe’s killer still walks freely, unpunished. I should not forget that. If I did, then Zoe is not only dead, but not avenged. She died with no family. The only family she had was me and I was one of the tiny circle of people who cared about her. And seeing that smug look on Enrico emboldens my resolve. If I leave, I would be playing into his hands and letting Zoe down.

I picked up the pen and heard an audible gasp as I filled my name in and sign the damned document. As soon as I was done, I slid both over to him, his smirk gone. “Good,” he said, his gaze squarely on me, “glad that’s sorted.”

“Anything else,” I said.

He opened another drawer and took out a tennis bracelet, got up, and walked over to my side of the desk. I stood up. “Give me your hand,” he said. I presented my wrist, and he clasped the bracelet on it. His fingers grazed my wrist as he put it on me, igniting feelings I wasn’t supposed to have. As soon as he was done, I snatched my hand back and examined the piece. It was an elegant diamond encrusted piece with a red jewel in the middle. A ruby? No. When I looked closer, the jewel was pulsing.

“A tracker,” he explained, seeing my confusion. “Because of that little thing, Nico and I will know where you are at all times. As per the contract you signed, of course.”

I felt pressure in my groin at the thought of Enrico watching me without my knowledge. Why was I feeling hot? Shouldn’t I be scared? I should be freaking out, not panting at the prospect.

“Of course,” I replied, feigning confidence. If he caught the slight tremor in my voice, he didn’t show it. “What happens if I take it off?”

He thrust his hands in his pockets. “Try it.”

I spin the piece around, looking for a clasp. I couldn’t find one. Instead of concentrating on the way his hands felt against my skin, I should have noted how he put it on. Try as I might, I couldn’t find it. I tried to rip it off with my hands, but that didn’t work. It actually got tighter the harder I pulled at it. “The fuck?” I muttered in astonishment.

“Even pliers won’t help you.” Enrico added and fished out of his pocket a small transparent case with a tiny platinum ball the size of a sprinkle inside it. He rattled the case. “Only this can.”

I gave up fidgeting with the bracelet. He truly was something else. I wonder how many women have worn the same bracelet. Looking at it, one would think it was a beautiful piece of jewelry and yet it was a shackle. One I had willingly chosen, I thought.

“Interesting,” I said. “So if something happens to me, you know where to find me. Nice to know I have two guardian angels.”

He chuckled. “If you know anything about me, know this; I’m no angel.”

I refrained from rolling my eyes. As if I wasn’t aware of who he was. Half of this city was afraid of the Morelli brothers, and after what they did to their rivals, the other half now knew not to mess with them.

“Is that all?” I said as nonchalantly as I could.