He gave me a small nod. Clearly, he didn’t think I would get this far. He thought the contract would intimidate me and he seems a little mad that it didn’t. I returned the nod with a tiny smile of my own before whipping around and leaving the room. Freya one Enrico zero. I went back to my new room in a rush of exhilaration. It felt good to shake that smug bastard off his foundation. But when I closed the door behind me, a sinking feeling told me I’ve made an enemy. Not only would he not tolerate my presence, but from now on, he would make it his personal mission to boot me out of his world. The hate in his eyes was all I needed to know. He was serious in his hatred for me.

If only he knew how much I reciprocated it. Better not show it though. If he found out my true purpose, I’m dead. If any of them found out, I’m dead. The upside to his hatred of me was that I probably won’t have to sleep with him. He seemed repulsed by me. As if the mere thought of sharing space with me made him nauseous. I hope that meant I won’t have to endure Enrico. One Morelli is enough to deal with.

I ventured into my room. No, scratch that, mini apartment. Hell, this room is bigger than any apartment I’ve ever rented. I try to not let the splendor of the room intimidate me from my mission. First, I had to know if this place was truly private, but judging from the contract I signed, that was unlikely. Men like those two were likely to keep a camera hidden somewhere and, wouldn’t you know it, I found several. One in the top corner of the room. One in that gigantic closet full of designer clothes. Another on the lamp next to the bed and another on top of the bedpost. They were discreetly placed; I have to give them that, but I was way too experienced in the art of perverdology to not spot the black balls blinking red back at me. At least the bathroom didn’t have one. That was going to be my secret spot.

I closed the door and stared back at the inviting shower. After spending hours in this tiny bikini, I wanted it off me. I removed the scrap of clothing and jumped into the shower. And wouldn’t you know it? The shower was fucking amazing. The tiny rivulets felt sweet as they kissed my skin and I spent more time under the water than I originally intended. If I were someone else, I would have thought this was place was heaven. Like I was lucky. Is this how Zoe felt? I never knew what relationship she had with them. Did she sleep with one of them? Both? And with that thought, the shower was no longer enjoyable. I knew she wasn’t Property, I would have known, but she might have been one of the many women they’ve had a one-night stands with.

I turn the spigot off and went into the closet. There were clothes, bag and shoes of every occasion, and all, I notice as I went through the wardrobe, were my size. Odd. I’m positive I was the only one of my body size amongst the candidates that were in that room. If they picked this wardrobe for a generic candidate, most of these clothes would have been at least size zero. And these weren’t the clothes for their last property. She was reed thin from the research I had made. I burnished the thought aside and looked for the least sexiest thing I could find, which was a pair of silk pajamas. If Enrico was watching me through those cameras, I was not about to give him a show. At least not yet. The bastard hasn’t earned it. Instead, I went to the bathroom and changed there. I came back feeling a little refreshed and a lot more tired, making the bed inviting. It was warm when I slid into it and my last thoughts were of that intimidating man.

I jolted awake at the dipping of pressure on the bed. I opened my eyes and saw Niccolo sitting on my bed, staring back at me with an amused grin. “You’re a light sleeper.”

One has to be if you came from my side of town, I wanted to say. “It’s a new bed, it’s going to get some getting used to,” I said instead, wondering why he was here and how long he had been staring at me while I was sleeping. The room is bright as the sun stream into the room. It must either be late morning or early afternoon. For his claims of me being a light sleeper, I had slept like a log if I’m waking up this late. Niccolo looked like he has been awake for a time. He appeared fresh in a black t-shirt and black jeans and his black hair glistened under the sunlight. Most people looked worse when put under the harsh light of morning sun, but Niccolo wasn’t one of them. He’s even more disarming at this time of day.

“Morning,” I said. My voice came out groggy and I immediately want to rewind time. I clear my throat.

“I’m sorry I have to leave the party early last night. I hope my brother was accommodating?” His gaze raked my body, making me even more self-aware. Calm down, I told myself. I’ve danced naked in front of plenty of people, but I couldn’t handle a man looking at me while fully clothed.

“In his own way.” Enrico’s annoying smirk came to mind.

Niccolo chuckled. “He’s a little… rough around the edges, but you’ll get used to him. He told me you signed the contract with no amendments. He didn’t pressure you, did he?” Niccolo didn’t trust his brother? Interesting. That’s information to keep in the back pocket for later. I shake my head. His grin widened.

“Great. I got a surprise for you. Get up and get ready. We have somewhere we need to go.” He rushed to the closet like an excited. Niccolo is a refreshing change from his cold twin. We knew each other for a few hours and I already felt like we’ve known each other for years. Nico has a fun infectious personality, while Enrico is walled off and emotionally unavailable. They even look different. Niccolo, while taller than most people, is an inch shorter than Enrico. Enrico’s hair is curly and Niccolo is straight. Even their facial features differ. A little later, he came back with an outfit. A cute blue scotch skirt and blazer that reminded me of Alicia Sliverstone in Clueless. “Wear this,” he said, placing the clothes on the bed.

“You and your brother don’t look like twins,” I blurted out.

He paused, and I almost regretted my wayward mouth, but he responded in his usual casual way. “That’s because we’re not twins. The Morelli family adopted us at the same time and since we’re the same age and share the same birthday, people have called us twins.”


He chuckled at my baffled look. “I’m going to order us breakfast while you get ready.”

“Where are we going?”

He shrugged as he made his way to the door. “That’s for you to find out,” and left.

I take a shower and get ready in record time, but as I went through the closet, something was off. There was no underwear. No panties, to be exact. Lots of bras, just no panties. Maybe it was a mistake? A suspicious part of me said no. Should I not wear underwear or not? This might be a test. Or maybe it’s not, so I took one out of my suitcase and wear it.

I went to the kitchen and was pleased to see Niccolo alone with a buffet of food before him. His eyes shine with approval when he saw me. He closed the distance between us and places a small kiss on my lips. I think he intended it to be a small kiss, but it soon developed into both of us, clamoring for each other as his hands go from my chest, down my back and to my hips. His kiss made me feel heady and light, as if I was floating on air. And a moment later, I am as Niccolo lifts me placed me onto the counter. Last night wasn’t a fluke. It wasn’t the moment that made me want this man. He has a skill to his lovemaking that was made even better by his apparent hunger for me. He draws me against him and I came into contact with his hard cock. “We should have finished what we started yesterday,” he said against my lips. I moan in response and press my pussy against him. As sudden as he took hold of me, he let me go. My eyes fluttered open, half irritated by the abrupt stop, half surprised by the frown on his face. “What—” His hand went up my tiny skirt straight to my pussy, less in a want-to-turn-you-on way and more in an examining fashion. “What is this?” he said when he came into contact with my pussy. I unwillingly jolted at the pressure of his hand on my clit, even though it’s clear he wasn’t trying to arouse me.

“What do you mean?”

“This.” He snapped the elastic of the panty and I have to stifle a moan when he does so.

“Oh. I couldn’t find underwear. I wore my own instead.”

In one quick move, he ripped it off. I was too stunned to even move. “That’s because you won’t be wearing any.”


SHE HAD ALREADY gone to bed by the time I came back home. It sucked to see her already asleep, and I was a little mad at Dante for calling me for work just when I was about to enjoy my time with her. However, the work turned out to be important. One of our men caught a capo of Saccone trying to infiltrate the business by sending some women to work in our clubs. They poorly thought the ploy out, and one woman soon confessed to the club manager she was sleeping with. The manager called Dante and Dante called me to take care of it. It was a simple task. The girl was extremely forthcoming with information and divulged all the women she knew who were part of the conspiracy, the capo’s hideout, everything. The capo was a little less cooperative, but after a few threats and chopped off fingers, he squealed, liked the rat he was and told me everything.

“Apparently Saccone’s second is trying to rebuild the family,” I said to Rico. I found him in the office, working late into the night. It was all unnecessary work. There’s no reason for either of us to do any paperwork, but since Enrico loves having control and ensuring every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed, he took it upon himself to do club admin from time to time. He should be asleep, but I know why he is up. Things weren’t going his way. And when things don’t happen the way he wants them to, he got a little restless.

He glances up from his laptop. “You’re back already.”

“Already? It’s two am.”

“Damn.” he glanced at his phone. “Didn’t notice,” and stretched his arms. “Those bastards refuse to die. Did you tell Dante?”