

“This is the paddock,” Ale says to me in an enthusiastic tone.

My best friend glows in the ambiance of her second home.

“I can’t believe this is what you do every day,” I respond, amazed by the scene playing out in front of me.

The buzzing sounds of screws being twisted in opposite directions and hitting the floor with a ding fill my ears. Hundreds of wires are being pulled in different directions while other team members converse in groups standing over computers filled with data.

I may only know the bare minimum of what Formula 1 entails, but that doesn’t mean I’m not incredibly proud of my best friend’s career. I’ve known her my whole life and I’ve seen her reap what she sowed. I have firsthand witnessed her accomplish her life goal, becoming the first female Formula 1 driver. Here she is before me, standing proud as she shows the people who are the most important to her what she does for a living.

Just to think that I met her when we were fifteen years old. I was on vacation with my family in Acapulco, and it was one of the few times my father decided to actually be present. If Ale’s dad didn’t go up to mine interested in buying our vacation home, I wouldn’t have ever met her.

Mauricio Castillo, her father, whispers in her ear. She listens intently while a small smile slowly spreads across her face.

Once he finishes his comment, Mauricio pulls back and kisses her on the forehead with adoration.

“Gracias, Pa,” she replies to the sweet gesture. One I could never fathom receiving from my own father.

The thought alone makes me think back on my life, where I find no similar occurrence ever happening. A shame, really. Who knew that moments like this would remind me of my absent father.

“So, this is the rookie’s family,” an unfamiliar voice creeps up behind Ale. I can’t quite see the person speaking until they gently push her aside. This person, a man, is now in full view.

His brown hair reaches to the tops of his ears, forming subtle waves that fall effortlessly. He’s smiling, a grin that spreads across his whole face. I can see every single one of his teeth, while the wrinkles beneath his dark brown eyes stare into me.

I can’t help but look at him; he’s gorgeous. Not in a conventionally attractive way, but in that I’m hot enough to make you look twice charm.

“Xavier, this is my family,” Ale introduces her teammate in glee. He reaches out to shake hands with León and Mr. Castillo.

“Now I see where the attractive genes come from,” he tells them, his charm not going unnoticed.

Ale’s head turns toward him. “Did you just call me attractive?” she asks before throwing a hand over her heart.

Is she flirting?

She did tell me about her eye candy Mr. Donatello a few months ago, but they broke up recently, so maybe she’s into Xavier now.

Not that I would blame her.

“Of course I did. Ale, it’s common knowledge,” he responds, which is followed by Ale’s laugh.

Xavier averts his gaze from my best friend and then glances over in my direction. I can feel his eyes on me, and goose bumps spread across my skin as his stare burns into me far longer than I expected it to. He has an intense stare, one that seems to catch me off guard. His eyes linger on my face and then his gaze moves down toward the rest of my body. He’s looking at me as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing.

Ale breaks the silence. “This is my best friend, Violetta.”

I smile up at him, most likely in the timidest way possible. “Nice to meet you,” I tell him, trying to get proper syllables out of my mouth, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.

He returns my words with a charming smirk. “The pleasure is all mine,” he says, reaching out to shake my hand. Instead of holding my hand in a firm grip, he brings the top of my hand to his lips, kissing it gently.

I could melt in this moment.

Heat spreads across my cheeks before he lets go of my palm, refocusing his attention on everyone.