“It was nice to meet all of you. I hope you enjoy the race today.” He beams in our direction. Before walking out of view, his gaze meets mine, winking at me as he retreats.

I give Ale a suggestive look, which she returns with wide eyes.

* * *

After Ale escortsus to our seats, a team member from Elektra comes up to accommodate us. León and Mr. Castillo order something to drink, and the waiter turns toward me, asking if I want anything from the VIP bar.

“Actually, is there anyone I could speak to for a special request down in the paddock? I want to surprise Ale,” I tell him.

“What type of surprise, miss?” he responds with interest, probably wanting to know why I want to go down into the paddock unauthorized.

“I wanted to see if there was any type of room where I could put a sign or flowers in. I have it all in my car, so you don’t have to give me anything. It’s her first home Grand Prix and I thought it would be nice if I could set something up for when she’s done with the race or even wins!” I smile up at him, hoping he can fulfill my request.

“Let me see what I can do.” He seems determined as he walks away.

I let out a breath before sitting down and hoping he comes back with good news.

“You know you are a really good friend to her and that means so much to the family,” León, Ale’s brother, says to the right of me.

Of course Ale had to sit us together. “Thank you.” I notice that his dad is no longer present, which probably means he went off to talk to some of his friends who are no doubt involved in his business endeavors.

León is wearing a black suit, his go-to attire for every day, and thin-rimmed metal sunglasses that frame his face perfectly.

“You know,” he says, pausing before he continues talking. “In another life, if I were any other person, we would have happened.” He finishes before his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. I’m surprised by his words. He never talks about my unrequited crush I’ve had on him since I was fifteen years old. It’s gone away slowly after realizing that he will never want me even if I was the last person on earth. But even so, I feel the younger me coming out as sadness bubbles in my chest.

“That’s the thing, León, this isn’t another life. You aren’t any other person. I am here. I am who I am. This is the situation we’re in. Growing up together, you knew I loved you. My every look and every touch was directed solely toward you because no other man has ever received what you always had”—I pause, swallowing nervously—“my love.”

“You are the only person in the world that I don’t love, and it’s not because I’m incapable of it. It’s not you, it’s the fact that you are by far the purest person on this planet, and I could never take that away from the world. I won’t,” he replies with determination.

“I know, and that’s why we aren’t together.” I chuckle lightly before a tear falls down my cheek.

Where did that come from?

He looks at me briefly before lightly brushing away my tear with his knuckle. “You know that’s not true. You would be the bestDoña Los Reyes De La Muertehas ever seen. But your compassion and love is something I could never hold. I am far from that; my future’s so far from the light that you encompass.” His words keep hitting me as if someone were sucker punching me in the gut every time he speaks.

Los Reyes De La Muerte, meaning the cartel.

I smile slightly, turning away and trying to process his words.

A few moments later, a voice says, “Violetta.” Lucia, Ale’s manager, walks down the steps and toward us.

“Lucia,” I say, smiling up at her.

She nods in greeting. “James here tells me you have a little surprise for Ale.” I look over at the man who helped me a few moments ago and he’s smiling.

“Yes, I have the things in my car. I just need a room to set them up in, one that she will see after the race,” I tell her.

She nods in response. “Ale will love that. Go get your things and you can put them in her private cubicle in the office area of the paddock building,” Lucia explains.

“Thank you,” I express my gratitude toward her before she walks away. Standing up, I grab my purse that was placed on the table. Pushing my chair back, I don’t say a single word to León as I try to exit.

But his voice interrupts me from leaving, anyway.

“Vio!” I turn around to see León looking at me.

“Yes?” I question, hoping he doesn’t talk more on the matter. It’s been three years since I professed my love to him, and I recognize that it’s still a weak spot for me. But I don’t say anything as he starts to speak. I just listen.

“Just know that you had that little boy in the palm of your hand. Younger León was just as in love with you as you were with him,” he tells me.