“Hey!” I wipe my finger covered with paint on his nose.

It shocks him and I let out a giggle in response.

“No, you didn’t!” Xavier scoffs dramatically, dipping his fingers into the paint before fully wiping it on my cheek in retaliation.

That’s when full-on war ensues.

I wipe some on his shirt. He responds by wiping some on my hoodie. I attack his arm and then he hits my stomach, smothering it with paint. We keep wiping, flicking, and attacking each other with paint until we’re completely covered in color and lying on the floor, laughing hysterically side by side. He’s covered in green-and-red paint.

The laughing dies down, and I turn my head to him. He’s already looking at me. Our eyes meet and I’m lost.

At this moment, I realize he’s my person.



Marrisa: Merry Christmas, baby<3

Marrisa: Call me, you’ve left me on read the past several weeks.

Marrisa: Are you mad at me?

Marrisa: Xavier please at least respond telling me you’re okay. I’m getting worried.

Marrisa: Xavier, istfg you could at least tell me Merry Christmas!

Marrisa: Now I’m definitely mad at you.

Marrisa: Answer, dammit!

It’s Christmas Eve and it’s my favorite day of the year.

My mom and I have this tradition we carry out every holiday season.

Even though it’s a recurring thing, it never gets old. I can’t help but admit that I’m excited for Vio to experience it with me this year.

The last few days with her have been ones I never thought I would experience. I connect with her on a level that I’ve never understood in my life. She’s my safe place.

So this experience is something that’s going from special to extraordinary with her by my side. I’ve never brought Marrisa along or even thought about it. It’s too intimate.

When I was twelve years old, my mom had to go to Arraial do Cabo for work. My father protested since he wanted to take care of her, but my mom refused because he was already doing so much. So she went the day before Christmas Eve and took me with her. We drove eight hours toward the ocean town. It was the first time I had ever been to the beach with such clear water; I had been in awe.

We were only supposed to be there for a few hours, but plans changed after the main road was blocked off by a bus crash. Since there was no way out, we had to stay at a hotel for the night, hoping the road would clear by morning, but it didn’t. Which meant we were stuck there. I was crushed that we couldn’t see my father for the holiday. But my mom had other plans because she knew I was sad, so she decided to fix that by making that day one I would never forget.

At the time, the people who were running the scuba diving excursion didn’t need a certification. So my mom made us hop on a boat and have the second-best day of my life. Since then, it’s become a tradition that my father followed religiously until the day he passed.

Now I get to share that with the Luna sisters, and I’m overjoyed.

Yesterday, we left São Paulo in a car, arriving here once the sun set. We woke up early this morning to hop on a boat and get ready for the day.

When Violetta awoke this morning, she came running to my room to share how beautiful it was outside. It was adorable and I listened to her ramble about the water for an hour without hesitation.

I hadn’t realized that they needed certifications to dive, but Cleo was pleased to inform me that she and Vio got certified in Bali on their trip to Asia. Chanel was the only one out of the group who refused to scuba dive, but she was happy to sit back and watch us.

“The water isn’t too deep, but this is the area with the most activity. So be careful of eels and such,” the diving master and guide accompanying us says.

I nod in response and so do the other girls.