“Ready?” The guide walks out onto the platform we’re going to jump off of.

We all give him a thumbs-up. He nods and then he jumps in.

“Don’t get eaten by any sharks,” Chanel calls out with a little cackle.

Cleo gives her the middle finger before jumping in behind him. I laugh underneath the mouthguard that transmits oxygen into our lungs.

My mother follows, Vio jumps, and then me.

I feel the water surround me immediately, bubbles cascading around me as I turn on the oxygen tank. The guide is in the front with my mom and Cleo directly behind him. Me and Vio stay together a little farther back, but not far enough where we can’t see them.

Cleo is swimming slowly, trying to see as much as possible. I follow. At first, it’s pretty underwhelming. Dead coral surrounds us but once we look farther, bright-colored coral begins to appear and just like that, the magic ensues. Small little fish pass us in a pack. They’re a bright color of blue, which contrasts the bright red, green, purple, and pink coral picaresque view. Once they pass us, we get closer to the coral, watching as they move in different directions.

I try to gauge Vio’s reaction, but her mask blocks me from seeing anything. We move farther in and closer to the group. Cleo does a little twirl in front of us, looking at the surface of the water where the light hits the crisp cerulean sea. When you first jump in, it feels like the water is desolate. That’s until you get to the bottom and a whole new world appears.

Vio nudges me. Refocusing my attention on her, a gigantic sea turtle swims by and I stare at it in awe. It’s the biggest turtle I’ve seen in all my years of diving in these waters. The turtle swims past us quickly before we swim ahead. I get closer to the coral, trying to make out some little creature in between the patterns of each individual coral.

A seahorse blends in with a piece of brown coral. Vio observes me, and I wave her over. She comes fairly quickly and watches the seahorse alongside me.

She gazes in my direction and I don’t know if it’s in awe or something else completely. Damn these masks. I want to keep every single one of her reactions and save them. We continue to swim farther, seeing a few eels swimming on top of the sand at the bottom of the ocean. More fish and lobster. After diving for thirty minutes, our time is almost up. So we decide to swim back, which is instructed by the guide.

We follow without hesitation and then it happens.

Two dolphins, one larger than the other swim toward us. The guide stills for a second with what I’m guessing is from shock.

They swim to us and the playful creatures they are start twirling as they come up close. We manage to pet them slightly and as I do so, I notice the difference between the two. I’m guessing it’s a mother and her baby; once they get bored, they leave. The baby dolphin seats themselves above their mother and then both of them are off.

We all sit in the water in awe. This is the best dive I’ve ever done and let’s say I’ve done a lot in my lifetime. The guide breaks all our attention, giving us the signal that means going back to shore. So we follow him through the reef and toward the boat.

I’m the last to lift my head, breaking the barrier between water and fresh air. Turning off the oxygen tank, I swim toward the platform and climb up.

“Holy shit!” Cleo squeals. “That was insane.”

“In all my years of diving, I have never seen dolphins underwater with us. It’s extremely rare. They don’t normally go beneath the surface this close to shore. If they do, it’s because boats create waves, and they like to play with them,” the diving instructor says.

“It was magical,” Vio whispers.

“That’s Arraial do Cabo for you, Blondie.” I smile at her, determined to take this wetsuit off.

“I’m surprised one of you wasn’t shocked by an electric eel,” Chanel drawls out, her attention not even directed toward us.

I laugh as my mother walks over to Chanel and takes the phone out of her hand. She looks up at my mom in shock, her mouth agape and her hands parted in front of her.

“It’s Christmas Eve. This will be in my possession for the next two days.” My mom then turns in the direction of her bag with a smile on her face and phone in hand.

Chanel looks over at me for help, but there’s no way I could convince my mom of a decision that’s going to help her in the long run.

Cleo shakes her head, grinning. It seems as if she agrees with my mother’s decision.

Chanel lets out a strangled breath in defeat.

Once I get my wetsuit off, my body cries in relief. When you’re in the water, you can’t really tell it’s on, but once you get out, the first thing you want to do is take it off.

Placing it on the bench in front of me, I pull the undershirt off, leaving me only in my spandex shorts. Since I’m not allowed to wear actual swim trunks under, I opt for the least embarrassing option. It’s either this or a speedo. I’d rather not, even though I’d look hot in it either way. Grabbing a towel, I wipe myself off.

I turn around to find Cleo and my mother chatting while Vio is sliding off her suit and her blue bikini begins to show. I almost groan at the sight and refuse to look away. I can’t help myself. Her tanned skin glows perfectly with my favorite color wrapped around her body. I still am trying to keep myself together since I first saw it on her.

I’ve always thought Vio was gorgeous, having been obsessed with her for God knows how long. But it was originally only based on attraction. But now my desire has tripled after practically baring it all with her emotionally. She’s even more stunning than when I first met her.