I feel like a fraud. I drive in the most minuscule cars for a living and the thought of being crammed in her Mini Cooper again makes me shiver.

Opening the door, I sit down and pull the lever so I have full leg room. I shut the door at the same time as Vio, and then she puts the key into the ignition.

“Why thank you for this ride, Miss Chauffer.” I put my arms behind my head as I lean back leisurely against the seat.

“You’re welcome, Mr. Valente.” She rolls her eyes a little again and it leaves a smirk on my face. When I first came to the house, she seemed hesitant about my arrival. Vio was shy, but that was my impression of her when I met her the first time, so that’s what I had expected. But now knowing she has a little bark to her bite makes me more compelled to her energy.

“So what are we going to be watching tonight, Blondie?”

She sits there and thinks for a second. “Show or movie?” Her eyes are focused intently on the road, not even glancing in my direction.

“Well, if we watch a show, it has to beThe Simpsonssince you haven’t watched or witnessed the best show on earth.”

“We are not watching a cartoon with like fifty thousand seasons,” she protests.

I let out a laugh at her comment. “You have offended me above all, Violetta.”

“Why do you like the show anyway?” she asks.

I contemplate going back into such a deep conversation with her again after the beach. Maybe it was too much for one day and my reason is one I never explain to people. The press asked me once why I got a Simpsons tattoo. I responded with the same response I tell everyone; that I’m obsessed with the show. Which isn’t a lie, necessarily, but it isn’t the whole truth. Vio isn’t just anyone. “You know how I told you carting was my only escape from my life when I was younger?”

She nods softly as she continues to drive.

“Well, I lied. When I got back from working all day after school as a kid, I would do my homework toThe Simpsonsplaying in the background. It was the only time I felt like a kid.” I shrug in her direction as if the comment is nothing more.

“We’ll watchThe Simpsonsthen; I want to experience it.” I see a smile on her face as she exits the gate inTres Vidasleading us into actual Acapulco.

Her sincerity makes me smile. As if that isn’t new.

It makes me want to hug her right here on the spot. All I have found when getting to know Vio more is a feeling of acceptance. When I used to talk to some of my old friends about my struggles, they didn’t really care that much. Which is understandable. I mean, who wants to hear a sob story? That’s why I like to be the comedic relief in any situation.

“What’s your favorite show, Blondie?” I ask her, curious as to what her entertainment tastes are.

“La serie.”

I don’t hear what she says before her comment; she mumbles her words as if she’s embarrassed to tell me.


She says the words again and I still hear the same thing. I don’t thinkLa Serieis the name because she says a few words before it, but I can’t quite make out what they are.

So, I ask her again about another four times until she blurts out, “Luis MiguelLa serie!” Her hands go up and then place themselves back on the steering wheel.

“I’ve heard a lot about this Luis Miguel guy. Please indulge me as to why you love it so much?” I encourage her to explain.

“It’s a show based on his life. It came out a few years ago and Luis Miguel assisted the creators in telling his life story and the whole show is a fever dream.” Her words come out dreamily.

I like it when she talks about the things she loves. It gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing that I can make her feel happy when around me.

“So, you just like the drama of his life?” I’m invested now and want to know the real reason why she likes it.

“Apart from the fact that his story is basically atelenovela. Luis Miguel is my favorite artist of all time. He just makes me feel something no other musician has.”

“Do you find him attractive?” This topic has piqued my interest, and I would love to know if this man is her ideal type.

“I mean, in the eighties and nineties he was the hottest man alive. He’s not objectively attractive at first sight, but he has this thing about him. We call itchispa. I could say charisma as a translation, but it doesn’t quite express what it means. But not so much anymore. I just love his music. It helped me out of a tough time.”

“I’m a nosey person; don’t mind me asking. What tough time in particular?” I don’t want to sound too invasive; I’ve technically known her for two years, but I have been getting to know her for the last few days on a personal level.