“I mean, you just shared something with me, so I think it’s only fair—”

I cut her off before she can get another word out.

“I don’t want you to share something with me just because you feel like you need to. Me sharing that with you is because I wanted to. The same for you, I only want you to share it with me because you feel safe.”

This time she takes her eyes off the road for just a second. “I’ve been in love with a guy since I was fifteen. I was infatuated with him from the moment I met him. After a few years of obvious advances, I decided to tell him my feelings. When I told him, he turned me down instantly. The day he turned me down in a way that would be considered harsh, I went to the grocery store and bought a pint of ice cream. In those moments, I was a teenage girl who had just gotten her innocent heart broken. The day felt dark and dank. It was raining and I distinctly remember the moment that ‘Por Debajo De La Mesa’ started playing over the speaker. I started hearing the lyrics and, at that moment, I realized that even if he turned me down, I could survive the feeling of heartbreak. Love existed and the words that Luis Miguel was singing showed me what I deserved. Since then, he has become my number-one artist. I listen to all his songs, and they have helped me through my life in all aspects.”

“Well, that guy’s an asshat,” I reply.

She jumps at my words and a small smile spreads across her face even though her words say something completely different. “Language,” she scolds me, but I know my comment made her happy.

“It’s the truth. I cannot fathom a reality where a man would turn down someone like you.” It makes me furious that anyone would turn down the chance at being with Violetta.

“Someone like me?” she asks.

“Come on, Vio, you have to know how beautiful you are.”

A blush creeps onto her face and I can’t help but smile at her reaction.

I continue, trying to get my point across because she damn well deserves better than any man could give her, even me. “Your intellect goes beyond anything I’ve seen. The way you take care of those around you, your work ethic, and don’t even get me started on how compelling you are.” I pause and she stays silent. “I’m glad you found something that makes your hopeless romantic side roam free. But no man deserves you, especially not that motherfucker who is quite frankly oblivious to how astonishing you are.” I am out of breath; I want to keep going, but I don’t want to come off too strong.

“Thank you,” she replies, her posture changing slightly as we pull up into the parking space of the convenience store. Big white letters are stamped on a sign that is orange and red. She hastily gets out of the car, almost tripping over in the process.

“Careful,” I tell her. The crimson shade on her cheeks gets deeper and deeper every second. I’m guessing my words did have an effect on her.

I turn around to open the door and smile at her reaction. If I can make her realize how alluring she is, I will speak until I lose my voice. Even if it takes me till the day I die for her to truly understand why she’s so fucking amazing.

My hand meets the door handle, and she thanks me before walking through. The cashier greets us in Spanish; both Vio and I address him in response.

Following her into one of the aisles, I turn to see an array of colorful chip bags. Some I recognize and others not so much. Vio starts to go at it, grabbing a few full-sized chip bags. She seems very serious about this movie night and I smile as she submits to every thought she has.

“What’s your go-to snack?” I ask her, wondering if any of these chips are her favorites.

“Snacks. Plural,” she tells me with a serious expression.

I raise both of my hands up in defeat. She giggles at my action and then continues.

“I would argue that snacks are better than meals.” She holds up a bag with the word ‘Chips’ in big bold white letters.

“What a creative name to name a gourmet chip,” I retort.

“Well, they stay true to the name. They have normal,fuego,jalapeño, and more. If you get the regular kettle, it is required of you to put Valentina on or any salsa on top.” That leads to her grabbing a big bottle of red salsa that is nestled underneath the chips.

“Then you also have to get ruffles, my favorite is the newMega CrunchJalapeño. They are better than the classic cheese, which is also good.” She’s very serious about her snacks and it’s the cutest thing ever.

“Please give me the whole tour.” Grabbing the four large bags of chips in her hands, I hold them while she walks over to the next aisle.

“Then you have the candy selection.” A twinkle of mischief sparkles in her eye and I want to know how candy can be so rebellious. “Since you most likely have never had the proper Mexican candy experience, I am prepared to buy the whole aisle.”

“I’ve had some Mexican candy.” My head tilts as I look at her.

“Well, since you have a Mexican in your company, it is time for you to try it all. Plus, since we will be watching your favorite childhood show, it’s only fitting I give you a gastronomic tour of our junk food delicacies.” She grabs a package filled with little circular containers inside. “First, Duvalín.”

My eyes immediately go to the color. It doesn’t look like my type of candy. The package is pink and brown, which leads me to believe it has a fruit flavor.

She keeps going and I enjoy her fangirling over introducing new candy to me.

It’s the little things.