“I don’t plan on dying today, but thank you for the offer.” I snort once I finish the sentence, imagining his face while his body flies through the air.

“It’s perfectly safe, and you’ve been waiting for a while. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

I think about it for a second.

There are a few things that could go wrong. One, I could be thrown off the jet ski. Two, he could go too fast for my liking. Three, seeing the cheeky grin on his face when I give in.

A sigh escapes my lips as I get up and take off my shorts.

I hear Xavier and Cleo shouting in accomplishment once I throw my sunglasses onto the chair. My feet take me toward the shore, and I feel the hot sand between my toes. Once my feet dip into the cold water, the feeling of the ocean runs through me. The difference between the sun hitting my skin and the refreshing nature of the cold water is when I know I’ve made the right choice.

Xavier hands me the separate life jacket that was in the compartment under the seat. I throw it over my shoulders and fasten it. My legs are completely submerged, and I realize I’m not flexible enough to put my feet on the steps to hoist me up onto the seat behind him. Xavier notices it right away and holds out his hand.

I hesitate for a second, then my fingers interlock with his. He pulls my arm up, and I jump a little, trying to take my weight off his shoulders. Laughing at my tiny hop, Xavier easily lifts me out of the water with just the grip of our hands. Once my foot touches the step, I throw one leg over the seat and sit behind him.

“Ready?” he asks me, his gaze blocked by his position on the jet ski.

“No.” I am nervous. I trust Xavier, but not in the current position we are in. He’s a Formula One driver. I believe he has a need for speed. I, on the other hand, have a need for slow leisure rides.

“Don’t be such a Debbie Downer.” Xavier did not just use that phrase. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone other than middle-aged women use it.

“I am not a Debbie Downer. I just don’t know if being on the back of a jet ski with a Formula One driver entails safety.” I give him an expression that most likely tells him to go slow. I doubt he’ll listen. After all, he likes to push everyone out of their comfort zone.

“No need to worry, milady. You should be happy it’s a professional rather than someone else.” He wears a proud face, one that scares me even more than before. He turns his chest to face me fully. His hands grab my wrists as he places my hands on his stomach. They’re warm and hard, and his skin is damp. Against the pads of my fingers, I feel the water droplets as they stream down his torso. “Just in case, hold on tight because I don’t plan to go easy on you.”

My face drops in horror as I hold on to him with both of my arms squeezing tight. I look at his fingers attentively, so I know when we’ll shoot across the water.

But it doesn’t help. My sight gives me no previous sign, and we shoot off out of nowhere. I let out a squeal, and my eyes close from worry.

“Open your eyes, Blondie. There’s nothing to be scared of.” Xavier’s tone isn’t amusing or cheeky; it’s soft and deep. It assures me that we’ll be safe. My shoulders drop in relief, and I open my eyes slowly as we move.

The speed is moderate but continuous, and I see the dark blue water sparkling below me. The sun is slowly meeting the shoreline miles and miles away. The water splashes in small droplets against my face with the sound of the engine and the water colliding behind me.

Before I know it, he presses on the throttle harder, and we skid a little as the speed increases. I let out another yelp, giving him a death glare from behind.

He can’t see me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t frown in disapproval.

I hold on to him tighter than humanly possible, but he doesn’t seem to budge, though. His posture is as solid as ever while I’m hunched over, holding on for dear life. He keeps going and going until we’re far away from the house. Cleo left us behind a few minutes back. She said she was tired.

He stops in front of a beach on a continuous strip of sand. It still goes on for miles, but the farther part of Acapulco is pretty much untouched.Tres Vidasis the end of the road before driving to another city. The side we’re on is only possible to get to by boat, or in our case, a jet ski.

Even though the shore is about two miles away from us, I see the untouched jungle that sits a few feet from the waves. Its bright green plush color is beautiful in contrast to the sun setting.

I feel a shift in my seat as Xavier tips over the jet ski slightly, moving so he’s facing toward me. After his right leg is on my left side, he’s facing me.

“You should trust people more often.”

That was abrupt. I have no idea where this came from, but the only response I can muster is from the instances that we’ve been together the past two days. “I wouldn’t be on this jet ski if I didn’t trust you, or I wouldn’t have jumped off that cliff.” I cross my arms over my chest with my face tilted downward and a smirk gracing my expression.

“Yes, but you doubted every single one of them.” He returns the look I’m giving him. His dramatics never fail to make me laugh.

“I’m careful, that’s all.”

“I don’t think careful is the word to describe it.” He averts his gaze to the sky. “I would describe it more as wary. I think it’s good to be careful; protecting yourself should be first and foremost. But letting go with the right people can make you realize why life is worth living.” He pauses and gives me a compassionate look. “You are successful and driven. Yet you don’t think about letting go for a change. I’ve only been around you fully for the last two days. But I’m an observant person, and I see the way you take care of your sisters. I see the way you always put them first. It’s not a bad thing. On the contrary, I think it’s admirable. I can relate to the feeling of not wanting to think about yourself and only thinking about the people around you. But sometimes you have to be selfish, take risks, and don’t apologize for wanting to do something for yourself for a change.”

My brows shoot up in surprise. How can he know this much about me in such a short time frame? I didn’t realize I needed to hear those words until he said them. I want to use those words and live by them, but I don’t know if I can implement them yet. I have my sisters to take care of and a career behind me. This means I don’t have time for myself, but Xavier’s words hit too close to home.

I don’t know how to respond, so I hug him. He seems surprised at first, but then he hugs me back. His fingers slowly reach my spine as he returns my embrace.