Sometimes I wonder if I just want love because I’ve never felt that emotion being reciprocated.

Do I love the idea of love?

Do I just want to be loved?

Or am I in love?

I’ll never know, and for now, I’ll just think he’s cute and move on. Because I am not in love with Xavier. He’s just a friend.

An incredibly charismatic and gorgeous male friend.

“Did he just wink at you?”

I jump before recognizing Chanel’s voice.

“No manches,you scared me.” I hold my hand over my chest, feeling it beat back and forth.

“Sorry,” she mutters out. Chanel has a hard time apologizing.

“Don’t worry. I thought you were inside the house sketching. You just caught me off guard, that’s all.”

Her huge light pink sun hat covers her face.

“I saw you and Xavier struggling. I needed something to entertain me, so I sat on the porch for a bit.”

“Well, thank you so much for your help,” I tell her sarcastically.

“Me and physical exertion don’t mix.” She smiles at me sweetly, but her intent is quite the opposite. Ever since Chanel was a child, I remember Cleo was running around the neighborhood after our dog. On the other hand, Chanel was watching on a sofa chair, wearing her white headbands and fluffy pastel pink skirts, while her sister was running around with the stamina of Usain Bolt.

“I am well aware.” I roll my eyes.

“Why aren’t you out there jet skiing with Xavier?”

“Because I saw Cleo’s face, and she’s having a lot of fun,” I tell her with a knowing look.

“She’s doing better, and it’s only been two days. Acapulco changes her.”

“It does, doesn’t it?” I smile as I watch Xavier and Cleo racing each other side by side. Suddenly, Cleo spins the tail of her jet ski abruptly, splashing water all over Xavier.

“That was not the right move, Sparkles,” he yells out loud enough for us to hear.

“Would love to see you catch me, Smiley.” Cleo presses the throttle again, shooting past him, not so long after Xavier chases after her. I smile at the interaction; Xavier is good for my sisters. He seems to be enjoying the time we spend here as much as they are with him. I can see why Ale likes him so much. He brings out the best in people.

Us in particular.



“Vio, get on Xavier’s jet ski,” Cleo yells in my direction.

It’s been about an hour of Xavier and Cleo challenging each other. They’ve raced about a hundred times, splashed each other with water, and then crashed on accident once. It didn’t leave a dent or anything, but Xavier was shot right up into the air over Cleo’s jet ski.

I was dying of laughter seeing his face in the air. Sadly enough, I didn’t have my phone to film it, or it would have gone viral in seconds. Knowing Xavier, he would have posted it himself.

“No, it’s fine. You two are enjoying yourselves.” I wave her off and lie back down on the white beach chair.

“Come on, Blondie. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve.” I hear him say.