Page 48 of Love Unscripted

Rex slaps the cloth over the top of my head and giggles when I try to roll away.

I lose track of time as I lay there letting Trina and Rex take care of me. Though “care,” is subjective.

Rex continues to drown me in cold water, but I have to admit it’s helping.

When I can finally sit up, Trina pats my shoulder. “That...was not what I expected.”

“Yeah, well.” I shrug. “I don’t like blood.”

“Obviously.” She laughs, tries to hide it, then caves and roars with absolute glee. “You went down like a tree.” She slams her palm into the couch. “One minute up, the nextwham. Never seen anything like it.”

“Happy to give you something to laugh at,” I grumble but the sour mood doesn’t last long. It’s nice to see her smile and laugh, even if it is at my expense. “You don’t think we’ll lose the challenge because of that, do you?”

“Nah.” She shakes her head and pushes to standing. “You keep an eye on Rex. I’ll fix something to eat.”

“Trade!” I jump up and race for the kitchen, patting her shoulder as I pass. “Tag, you’re it.”

“Tag? I love tag.” Rex screeches back into the room so fast I’m surprised there isn’t smoke rolling out from under his heels. He spins around and around. “Aunt Trina, catch me.”

She glares at me.

I grin and wiggle my fingers at her. “Better run, Auntie, before he finds something else dangerous.”

Her eyes widen, and she bolts after the little terror.

I take a second in the kitchen to compose myself. Kids. I never decided if I wanted them or not. Rex is a handful, but he’s growing on me. We’ll see if the apartment is standing when the challenge is over.

I’m not a complete imbecile in the kitchen, but I’ve no idea what to fix a kid Rex’s age. He’s like, four? Five? I never asked. Sheesh. Some uncle I am.

I opt for my favorite: Mac ‘n cheese. What kid doesn’t like a good, carb-filled meal.

“Liam?” The fear in Trina’s voice jolts through me. “Something’s wrong with Rex.”

I drop the box on the counter and race down the hallway where I heard her voice.

She sits in the middle of the bedroom floor, Rex in her arms. Fear fills her eyes. “His insulin levels may be off.”

“But we—you—just checked.” I spin around, searching like the answer might be right behind me.

She groans and pats Rex’s pale cheek. “I did, but Pam said this happens sometimes. She mentioned he still crashes.”

“Crashes? What does that mean?”

“I don’t know.” Panic flares in her eyes. “We have to do something.”

I snatch my phone out and call Clay.

Thankfully, he answers right away. “Hey, bro. Things getting exciting yet?”

“You could say that.” I pace in front of Trina. “We’re babysitting tonight and something’s wrong with him.”

“Symptoms?” Clay barks.

I pass the phone to Trina. “It’s my brother. He’s a pediatric surgeon. Man saves kids’ lives for a living. Tell him what’s wrong.”

Trina rattles off Rex’s symptoms while I consider scooping Rex up and hauling him to the nearest hospital.

“Jelly beans?” Trina’s voice raises an octave. She shakes her head and passes the phone back to me. “He says to give him jelly beans.”