Page 49 of Love Unscripted

“I don’t have jelly beans,” I practically scream into the phone. “Where am I supposed to get jelly beans at this time of night?”

“Take it easy. All diabetics know to carry sugary foods around for a quick pick me up in times like this.” Clay’s calm voice is the only thing keeping me sane right now.

Rex groans and his head lolls to the side.

Trina pats his cheeks. “Rex? Rex?”

“Don’t feel good.” Rex’s eyes flutter open.

Clay speaks again, and I grip the phone harder. “Check his bag for anything sugary. Candy bars. Glucose tabs. Anything. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

I run from the room, bouncing off the walls like Rex when he first arrived, and grab his bag from the living room. Jelly beans. Jelly beans. I paw through the contents, crowing with triumph when I discover a plastic bag of candy.

“Did you find something?” Trina steps out from the hallway, Rex in her arms.

I hurry over and hold out my arms. “I’ll hold him. See if you can get him to eat.”

She takes a piece of candy from the bag while I prop Rex up. “Come on, Rex. It’s a red one. Your favorite.”

He opens his mouth and Trina pops the candy inside. We’re both silent, listening to him chew and swallow. He opens again, and she gives him another candy.

With each one, he becomes more alert, his complexion brightens, and the light comes back into his eyes.

“Whew,” I say with a chuckle. “Good thing we didn’t panic.”

She rolls her eyes and gives Rex the last candy.

The front door bangs open and Clay rushes inside. He examines Rex without ever moving the kid from my arms.

All of a sudden, I don’t want to let the kid go.

Nicholas comes in several minutes later. He’s not smiling this time. It’s the most somber expression I’ve ever seen on the guy.

It sends a nervous tingling through my fingers like I get before every game. I know from the wrinkle between his eyes what he’s about to say.

Trina’s head bows forward in defeat.

“Sorry, guys.” Nicholas pats each of us on the shoulder. “Better luck next time.” Once he hears from Clay that Rex is fine, his smile slowly reappears. “So, this one was a bust. You guys were doing great for a while, but you panicked. We have to call that a loss. You’ll be given a punishment within the next few days.”

“I don’t feel like we lost.” I tighten my grip on Rex, who’s currently trying to climb me like a monkey. I give in and let him scramble onto my back. He swings his legs around my neck and wraps his arms around my head.

Nicholas spreads his hands out. “The decision has been made.”

I take Trina’s hand and squeeze. “That’s not what I mean. Sure, we lost the challenge, but this has been one of the most fun nights I’ve ever had.”

Trina nods. “Bring on the consequences. Whatever it is, we’ll face it.” She smiles up at me. “Together.”

Rex squeezes his arms together, smooshing my face.

Trina, Clay, and Nicholas laugh.

I would, but I’m too busy wondering if our kids would be anything like Rex. I think I’d like that.