Theron looked at me with a conspiratorial smile. “I’m told you were rather brazen that day. What was it you said?”

I rubbed the back of my hand against my upper lip. “I don’t recall.”

“No? Are you sure?” Theron’s head swiveled from me to Vayr. “The guard’s story was that he caught Norahi assaulting your daughter in the stables.”

“That’s a lie.” I snapped, and Regan tutted loudly. “I-I didn’t assault her.” I kept my eyes on the ground, the anxiety that had pricked at my lips now spreading down the back of my neck.

“No, it would seem she was in your arms rather willingly.” Theron’s tone was languid, clearly enjoying his little game. “Lured you in there, did she?”

“No.” My jaw was going to shatter if I clenched it any harder. “She-she needed comfort.”

“There’s that word again.” Theron wagged a finger. “Comfort. Tell us, Rook. How do youcomfortthe princess?”

My lungs were tight in my chest, and I jerked involuntarily as Theron clapped a hand against the desk. “Now I recall what you said ‘I’ll fuck her in here if I want to’, isn’t that right?” His eyes glinted with malice as I met them. “Comfort indeed.”

Vayr's rage boiled over, and he ran at me, throwing a fist which I easily caught in my hand. “Youfucking degenerate!” He was almost foaming at the lips, his violet eyes bloodshot. “You touch my daughter and I will -“

“Do calm yourself,” Theron said loudly, his wings spreading at his back. “I can assure you, Rook is living under the standards of the Accord. He’s a very good boy, aren’t you, Rook?”

The mark on my arm burned as I met Theron’s eyes.A very good boy. I thought of Elara, of her rage at the word Mate, her hatred of being labeled like she was an animal. And here Theron was speaking to me as though I was a little dog, like he was patting me on the head.

“I know when to act, and when to remain silent,” I said.

Regan’s mouth was set in such a hard line his lips had gone white, and Theron seemed to not be able to measure my response for a moment. Eventually he merely shrugged, and turned back to Vayr.

“I assure you that Rook and your daughter will be kept apart, besides the necessary training. They have no reason to meet outside of the arena anyhow.” His lips curled as he looked at me. “Although those chess games in the library for mental fortitude are probably necessary.”

He knew everything. I was aware of that. But knowing every single move I made was under such close scrutiny… It made me wonder for one panic-stricken moment if he knew about my visits to the tower. No one knew I was still able to climb so easily, that scaling the sheer wall was as easy as walking up a flight of stairs for a Night Demon. It was the one power I’d strangely been left with, and the uneasiness I felt as Theron continued to leer at me made me wonder if it was on purpose.

Vayr was still glaring at me, and I gave my shoulders a shake. “I’m sure the High Lord will understand that I am merely trying to help the daughter he claims to love so dearly.”

“Fuck you, Norahi.” He jabbed a finger in my direction. “I made the right decision all those years ago. I’m only sorry your body wasn’t on that wagon, too.”

That was too much. That crossed a line he knew the moment the words left his mouth that he shouldn’t have crossed. He took two instinctive steps back as I rushed at him, grabbing him by the collar and hoisting him into the air. Regan was urging me to stop, to put him down, and Theron merely laughed.

“Youevermention that again and I will tear your fucking head off,” I snarled. “I will fuckingend youif I ever hear you speak of it again. Their blood is on your hands as much-“

I broke off quickly, dropping him so that he had to stumble to stop himself falling to the ground. I took a deep breath, running my hands over my head. Rage made the air in my lungs stale, my stomach twisting with nausea.That wagon. That fucking wagon, with the squeaky wheel. The clattering of my chains. Her voice, haunting me, begging me. Help me, Rook. It hurts. Please.

“I think our friend has had enough for this evening.” Theron’s tone was clipped as he approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “It’s late, and we all need to rest. I shall see you both at the banquet tomorrow night.”

I didn’t wait for a guard to take me back to my chambers. I hurried down the passageway, my vision blurred as I blinked away tears. I stumbled into my room and slammed the door behind me. I sank to the floor, pressing my hands to the cold stones, sucking in one breath after another, trying to regain my balance, trying not to break into a sobbing heap on the ground.

Help me, Rook. It hurts. They’re hurting me.

I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes until my skull began to ache. “Why her?” I asked the room. “Whyhisdaughter? Why?”

Perhaps it was serendipity. The one who’d cost me everything now had to turn over his most precious belonging to me.

No. I refused to think of her that way. She wasmine. She was not my restitution, and I was not her punishment. She was mine and I was hers because the Gods had decided it to be so. I wouldn’t let Vayr destroy it for me.

I went to the basin and splashed my face with cold water. Then I sat and waited for the guards to grow quiet outside.

The moon passed behind a cloud as I soundlessly climbed out of my window, dropping down to the ground beneath me. I listened for a patrol, but their careless, ambling footsteps were nowhere within earshot.

I rounded the palace walls, under the cover of darkness, until I reached the western corner. Elara’s tower rose into the navy blue sky. The torches flickered along the wall that stretched between the tower and the castle walls, but the vines that trailed along the stones provided enough cover that I could scale the tower unseen.

I pushed open the window, throwing my legs over the window sill and landing in her room. I paused for a moment, listening for Drusilla or movement of the guards outside. But it was late, and all was quiet. The only sounds were the crackling of the fire and Elara’s shallow breaths.