Theron waved in acknowledgement. “Ah yes, I have a little matter to see to, if you would both excuse me. I trust you’ll not murder each other while I’m gone?” His gaze passed between us, and with a satisfied smirk and a flick of his wings, he walked out of the study.

Vayr rounded on me almost instantly, his eyes flaming with fury. “What were you doing in my daughter’s room?”

“You fucking fool,” I snarled through gritted teeth, darting a finger towards the door. “There are listening ears right outside that door.”

He took a step closer to me and mercifully lowered his voice. “I want to know what you were doing in there.”

“I told you, I was comforting her.”

“Oh I know all about how your kind comfortfemales.” He wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I can fucking smell it on you.”

“Smell what?”

“Depravity.” He bared his teeth. “I can scent it on you, like a fucking animal in heat. If I found out you’ve defiled her-”

I seized him by the collar. “Listen to me, I am the only friend your daughter has in this place, and if you cared about her at all, you would do well to keep yourfucking mouth shut.”

Vayr scoffed, struggling against my hands. “Herfriend? Does she know, Norahi? Does she know what you threatened to do?”

I shoved him away from me. “You are in no position to accuse me of anything.”

“I have never lied to my daughter.”

“Keeping the truth from her is so different, is it?” I hissed out a breath. “You utter fucking bastard. She has noideaaboutanything.”

Vayr crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, since you and she are so close, why don’t you tell her what you said you’d do? Since you are the bastion of honesty, Prince Rook of House Norahi, tell her what our last words to each other were. See how far yourfriendshipgets you.”

An anxious knot formed in my stomach. “Fuck you, Vayr.”

“You stay the fuck away from my daughter.”

I couldn’t look at him, a cold sweat breaking out on the back of my neck as I remembered our last meeting. That moment of utter betrayal, listening to his reasoning, his justification for leaving us. For abandoning us to the Seraph forces. My fingernails bit into my palms as I swallowed down the urge to tell him exactly what I’d just done with his daughter, that only moments ago I’d made her come on my lap.Twice.

But I beat those thoughts down. I wouldn’t weaponise my feelings for Elara against her family, and I certainly wouldn’t taint what I felt for her by making it some dirty act of vengeance. I’d touched her because I wanted her, because I cared for her deeply. Because she wasmine.

The door opened, and Theron and Regan stepped in. Regan looked questioningly from Vayr, back to me, and shook his head.

“Ah, you two haven’t killed each other yet!” Theron smiled jovially. “How wonderful. Now, we have prepared a banquet for you, High Lord Vayr. A royal visitor deserves a proper welcome, don’t you think?”

Vayr pointed at me. “And what about him?”

Theron’s eyebrows lifted, and he sighed. “Did you hear what I just said? I believe a Thank You is in order, don’t you?” He frowned, rubbing his chin. “I do find it interesting that you have not once asked about your wife. You do seem rather more concerned with what my friend here is doing with your daughter than what has happened to your own dear wife.”

Vayr sputtered then, and seeing the old bastard caught out gave me a deep sense of satisfaction. I crossed my arms over my chest as he bowed his head again.

“Your Majesty, your kindness is truly overwhelming, and I do not ask after my wife as I trust you implicitly.”

Theron burst out laughing, clapping Regan on the back. “Nowthatis an answer, wouldn’t you say? Oh yes.” His gaze moved back to Vayr with a smirk. “You can tell those that have had to grovel in order to keep their status. They become so very good at it.”

Vayr hesitated. “Sire, I only meant-“

“Ah it’s of no matter.” Theron waved his hand dismissively and looked at Regan. “The Princess, her room is kept under guard, is it not?”

“It is,” Regan replied.

“And the only interaction she has with another is when she is training with Rook, is that right?”

“Indeed, Sire.” Regan’s eyes flicked to me for just a moment. “Although it hasn’t been entirely without its troubles.”