Page 10 of The Wrong Proposal

He has my attention. “I haven’t spoken to Kimberley in a while,” I admit.

“Damien’s on antibiotics, and she doesn’t want to risk traveling.”

I understand what he’s saying. Our friend’s disability has stopped him from living a normal life. The day he fell sick was a day I’ll never forget.

“Kimberley wanted to come but was afraid to leave him.”

I blow out air. “His mom is an angel.”

Noah hits my shoulder again. “We’ll chat more later,” he says before more guests close in on us.

The sound of Daphne’s laughter carries over the crowd. Every part of me wants to turn and catch a glimpse of her beauty. Instead, I clink my glass with his and meander through the crowd in the opposite direction toward the corner of the bar where my stool awaits me. I’m not yet ready for the pain. Attending to emails while drinking fine whiskey is the best distraction from what is happening around me.



Hugh’sfirst cousin is having a surprise wedding—only a handful of family members know—and when Sienna couldn’t make it, he had already responded with two in attendance. For catering purposes, he invited me to join him. A few days away with my friend is always fun, and since he’s been engaged, those fun times are few and far between. When we heard Daphne Wright would be in attendance, it made my decision easy. For the past two years, I’ve been studying part-time while working at Style Line Designs alongside Hugh. Interior remodeling for high-end residential is vastly different than the commercial remodeling I was used to while working for Bernard.

“There she is.” Hugh nods in the direction of his idol. Her long blonde hair falls perfectly over her shoulders. The crowd parts, and I manage to catch a glimpse of her champagne-colored dress that appears to be sewn onto her petite figure. Her main accessory is a dark-haired man with an olive complexion. His gaze wanders over the crowd and meets mine. He flashes a knowing grin. The man is so handsome he demands equal attention as Daphne.

“Do you want to go and talk to her?”

I panic a little and take a sip of the red wine. “There is no way I could spark up a conversation with her. I’ll just sit and admire while drinking all the wine.”

He chuckles. “A little liquid courage is all you need.”

“I will need a truckload, and by then, I’ll be smashed and say the wrong thing.”

“Do you have an elevator pitch ready to impress? I mean, there might be a chance you bump into her in the ladies’ room and have thirty seconds to convince her to hire you.”

“I’ll need thirty years. Besides, you’re the one who dreams of working for her.” I drain my wine glass and stand. “Can I get you another?”

He shakes his head. “Take your time. I’m going to chat with my relatives, and you don’t want to be bored with conversations about harvesting grapes.”

I giggle and squeeze past other guests until I get to the bar. As I wait for the bartender, I notice a handsome dark-haired man in a suit with his head lowered, staring into a glass of whiskey. Even from here, I can see how ridiculously handsome he is. He oozes class, and yet he angles himself away from the crowd as though he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Maybe he does.

The woman beside me moves away from the bar, so I ease my rear up onto the stool. A glass of wine is placed in front of me. I sip it slowly while watching him. Every now and then, his back stiffens. He takes a swig of his whiskey and continues to stare into the glass until his shoulders relax. I finish my wine, and the bartender holds the bottle over the glass and hesitates until I nod. She fills my glass, and with a sudden burst of courage to make a stranger smile, I meander around the bar toward Mr. Sad Face because I’m curious why someone like him is not enjoying themselves.

What do I have to lose?

I push between him and the guy on another stool by his side. “Hi.” I give him my best smile.

He glances up at me and frowns. “I think you have mistaken me for someone else.”

“No mistaking those sad eyes.” I take a sip of my wine. “I thought we’re all excited to celebrate the happy couple?”

His eyes dart over my face. Then he frowns again, narrowing his eyes. “Do I know you?”

“Nope.” I smirk as though it is a guessing game, but the more I stare at his beautiful face, there is something familiar about him.

“I must know you through Noah because there is something about your face. I wouldn’t forget yours.”

I flutter my lashes playfully. “I don’t know the couple at all, but I like the wine.” My words sound disrespectful. “I mean… I’m here as a plus one with a friend.”

His brow furrows. “For a moment, I thought you were a gate-crasher.”

“No. My friend’s fiancé couldn’t make it. He’s a cousin to the bride.” I tilt my head to the side. “What about you? How do you know the happy couple?”