Page 11 of The Wrong Proposal

“I’m a close friend of Noah’s…” He rolls his hand as though waiting for me to fill in the blanks.

“Penny,” I supply. “What’s your name?”

This time, his lips part into a smile. “You really don’t know?”

“Well, I’m not privy to the guest list.” I roll my eyes.

He chuckles. “Franklin.” He holds out a hand.

“To be Frank, Frank, I thought you’d be happier for your friend.”

“I see what you did there. Iamextremely happy for my friend. And I’ll be telling him later when we’re alone.”

“Oh, I see. You’re not a people person.”

“Penny, you have known me for all of five minutes. You know nothing.”

“I like this game, though. Am I right?”

“I like doing business with people. Here? There are too many people in a small space.”

“And you don’t know half of them and retreat to a corner so you don’t have to meet them.”

“I have some things on my mind, and I’m waiting for an email. That’s why I’m here alone.”

Only now do I see his cell phone on the bar and his email list open. “Working at a function? Stop being boring and have some fun.”

His dark eyes turn on me, and, in that moment, familiarity dawns on me.

Double shit.

It’s Mr. Brown Eyes from the beach.

Holy fuck on a stick.


Right now, it stands forFucking Hellas inget me out of here!

“Fun,” he says in a dark, sexy voice. “What sort of fun are you implying?”

He smiles darkly as though his words have spooked me, but I’ve just failed to hide the horror on my face of knowing exactly where we’ve met.

The tapping of a microphone sounds through the speakers.

“Thank you for joining us to celebrate Noah and Olivia. Everyone, please move into the dining room and find your assigned seat at the table. A seating map is near the restaurant door.”

“Nice to meet you, Franklin. I hope you enjoy the night,” I say quickly before grabbing my wine glass and push past other guests until I find Hugh in the hallway.

“There you are,” he says.

“I have to leave,” I tell him in a low voice. “I can’t be here.”

Hugh frowns at me. “How much wine have you consumed, Pen?”

I shake my head. “I’m not drunk,” I whisper. “But right now, I wish I was.”

Hugh scans my face. “Is Bernard here?”