I know I sound like a grumpy shit, but I’m really nervous to meet Belle. And to go on this date. Hell, any date for that matter. The last date I went on was… shit, over a millennium ago and things were great until I shifted into my pixie and the lady laughed so hard she pissed her pants, then proceeded to make every little dick joke known to man and a few I’m sure she created right on the spot.

I haven’t even tried dating since that night. Even over a thousand years later, and it still stings a bit when I think of it.

Now, we’re meeting with Belle. Online, she seems super sweet and innocent. She knows what each of us is, and she acts like she is genuinely excited to see each of us shifted. Not to mention that the whole reason she is looking for dates is just downright adorable.

Even knowing all of this, I’m still nervous to actually meet Belle. And the fact that I came up with the date idea makes me even more nervous. So, yeah, I’m being a bit short with Nick.

Nick is the most laid-back guy I know, so even if he gets a bit frustrated with my attitude, he won’t be a dick back to me. He smiles at me and shakes his head as the door opens. The woman that answers the door is shorter than Belle said she was and her hair is long, almost down to her waist. She has a darker complexion and her face isn’t as round as Belle’s is in all of her pictures. If I had to make an assumption, I’d say this is Belle’s roommate, Tali.

“You must be Derek and Nick. Belle is still getting ready. Come on in and have a seat. I’ll let her know you’re here.”

Her phone beeps and she looks down as she holds the door for Nick and me to step through.

The apartment is bigger than I thought. The hall in the entryway opens into a large living room with two halls intercepting the junction right before the living room. When I get into the room, I can see that it’s an open concept between the living room, kitchen, and dining area. The whole back wall is glass with a sliding door between the kitchen area and the dining table that opens into a pretty green shared backyard.

Nick walks past me into the living room and over to the large bookshelves on either side of the fireplace with the TV mounted on the wall above it. One of the shelves is full of movies and CDs, but the other one is stuffed with books. Every shelf but one is full to the brim and double layered. The very top shelf only has around ten books, though. I walk over to that shelf and examine the odd books out. Their covers are immaculate, some of them are dark and ominous, some of them are minimal but impactful, and there is even one that is bright and playful. That one is my favorite. It makes me want to smile and open the book to see what it is about.

I don’t touch the books, though; I know some people are very particular about their shelves and the covers so I turn around and sit on the fluffy black couch that matches the two armchairs and the coffee table in the room. Nick follows behind me and sits with me.

“You don’t think she’ll be too long, do you?” I lean close to Nick so nobody else in the house will hear me.

“Calm down, Der. Girls take time to get ready. This is why you didn’t make reservations, remember?”

“Yeah. But what if she doesn’t actually want to date us? What if she only wants to date Jack and Cypian?”

Nick rolls his eyes and turns his head to look me in the eyes. He smirks but puts his hand on my shoulder. “She wants to date us, Derek. I promise, she isn’t late on purpose and everything is going to be fine. Take a deep breath and just have a bit of patience.”

As the words leave his mouth, we hear a squeak in the hall and Belle rushes into the doorway. Her face is flushed and her hair is curled around her shoulders. She is absolutely the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. The shirt and jeans she is wearing are hugging her body and the cardigan she has over her shoulders pulls the whole outfit together.

I can’t ever blink or I’m afraid she will disappear.

Nick and the others swear she is our fated mate, but I’m not so sure that the fates would pair me with such a stunning, sweet girl as Belle. I’m an asshole nowadays. I’m cranky and spend more time in my shop than with other people. Sure, I make stunning furniture, but half of it I can’t sell because the customers don’t think I’m worth working with because of my attitude. Thankfully, Nick is willing to be the face of my company and sell my shit, because we can’t fit anything else in our house.

“I’m so sorry I’m late. Please don’t hate me.” Belle’s sweet voice sounds so worried. “I just started working and lost track of time.”

“It’s okay, Sweet Girl. We’re not upset.” I don’t even recognize the voice coming out of my mouth. I can feel Nick staring at me, but the relieved huff of breath that Belle lets out distracts me from glaring back at him. “Do you want to just sit here for a second and collect your thoughts, or do you want to leave now?”

Yeah, I was just bitching about being late, but the girl looks like she could use a minute to calm herself down and nothing we have planned is on a timetable. There is one benefit to my magic being the main portion of the date, and that is, that I control when everything happens.

Belle smiles widely as she walks over to the two of us and sits down between us. She puts a shaky hand on each of our knees and leans back into the cushions of the couch. Another big breath drops from between her pink lips, and she closes her eyes.

She is so fucking pretty. I want to lean over and kiss those plump lips. I can imagine how soft her body will feel against mine and hear the soft gasp she’d make as I buried my face between those thick thighs. In my mind, I can see Nick and I laying her across this couch and making her forget being late or any other stress she may have. He’d touch her body as I ate…


Nick’s sharp call drags me out of my daydreams. Our eyes clash, and I realize I must have been projecting my thoughts to him. The bulge in his jeans tells me he isn’t against the idea; it’s just not an appropriate time to be having them. He is right, but I still smirk like the cocky piece of shit that I am. Nick rolls his eyes, and Belle opens hers to look between the two of us.

“Is everything okay?” Belle is still staring at the two of us, but now there is curiosity, and maybe even a little flush on her cheeks to suggest she knows what we were just silently talking about.

“Everything is fine.” Nick smiles at the girl and I can see the thoughts in her mind melt away. “Are you ready to head out?”

“Sure.” The word is drawn out, like she wants to say something else, but she is forcing herself to let it go.

We all stand up and walk to the door. Before Belle leaves, she calls out a goodbye over her shoulder. Nick and I walk her over to my Ford F150 and she smiles at the hunter green paint job. I know that it’s not very manly, but the gold flakes in the paint job remind me of my magic, and I love it. From the smile on her face, Belle loves it, too.

I open the front passenger door and help her climb in. She slides over to the middle and Nick climbs up beside her. I close the door and make my way over to the driver’s side. The whole ten second walk, I’m telling myself to calm the fuck down. This isn’t some two-bit whore Nick and I picked up in the bar. This is our mate, and she deserves better than the dirty thoughts that are racing through my mind. I can’t completely help it though. Pixies are notorious for our sexual appetites. It’s one of the very few things I don’t hate about my species.

I get in the truck and start the engine. I smile down at Belle because I can’t help but look at her again. She was out of my sight for all of ten seconds, and it felt like ten years. My pixie is attached to her already, and I’m a bit terrified of what that means. For me and for her, if I’m honest.