“You ready to go, Sweet Girl?”

She smiles so sweetly. I swear if she keeps smiling at me like that, I’m going to get obsessively enthralled with her. She nods her head, and I fiddle with the heater so that she isn’t cold, then give her my phone with my Youtube open so she can pick the music.

Belle puts on a Christmas playlist and I glance at Nick. This idea for a date is fantastic. I’m so glad I came up with it. I am a bit worried that she won’t be happy with the surprise I have planned for later, but that is a future Derek problem, so I let it go and pulled out of the driveway onto the road.

The guys and I have a house on the outskirts of town. Though to call it a house is a bit of an understatement. It’s more of a Victorian style mansion in the woods. We’re taking Belle to a clearing that is in the woods around our house for a picnic.

On the drive over, Nick and Belle talk to each other. Belle tells us about the project she is working on. The book covers she is making sound beautiful, and I find myself strangely proud that the author asked her to make the matching set for the whole series after she did the first book.

Nick tells her about his family, the few that he still talks to, anyway. And about the Hell Realm. I speak a little about Pixie Hollow in the Fae Realm and my sisters that plan to visit soon. Belle tells us a bit more about how she was raised, about her father and stepmother. She mentions a stepbrother a few times, but she doesn’t talk about him at any great length, which makes me think he did something awful, and I’ll have to find him and kill him if I ever find out what it is. Of course, that makes me want to know what the boy did to my Sweet Girl even more. Nobody hurts Belle. Not ever.

I need to calm down though, because this is a date and if I go on a murderous rampage, then I’ll probably terrify the poor girl and that can’t happen. I need her to like us, to want us. Because, being so close to her now, it’s obvious that the guys were right. Belle is mine. She is the one girl that I’ve been waiting my whole life for, and I’ll be damned if I have her so close, just to lose her again.

Chapter Six


Nightmareshavetelepathicabilities.It’s not something that many people know, but we can read other creatures’ thoughts. Even when we aren’t shifted. That is how I know Derek has been thinking about fucking Belle since he saw her at her house. That is also how I know exactly what Belle’s step brother did to her. How I know what her mother’s grimoire looks like, and how I know Belle is much more than the magic-less human she thinks she is.

Belle has seen pictures of her mother and when she thinks about her mother, the image she has seen pops into her mind. I know who her mother was, and she is powerful. Or was, I guess. Either way, there is a zero percent chance that Gilinda would have a null as a child. The more likely scenario is that she bound the child’s magic. And if that is the case, then all we have to do is figure out what will break the bonds.

Derek pulls up to the tree line in front of the path we plan to take into the clearing. Belle is staring at the forest in awe, and a smile creeps across my face at just how adorable she looks. Of course, Der picks that time to send yet another image of Belle between the two of us. This time, she is sucking my cock while Der fucks her from behind and we are somehow up in the canopy of the trees.

He has been doing this the whole drive over here, and I’m going to strangle him if he doesn’t cut it the fuck out! My dick has been hard the entire ride over, and now I’m supposed to see if Belle wants to ride my horse to the clearing. I’m never going to get rid of this situation in my pants. I can already tell.

We get out of the truck and help Belle, since Derek insists on everything in his life being massive. Dumb pixie. I hold Belle’s hand as we walk to the tree line to meet Der.

“So, where are we?” Belle looks out at the trees again before turning to watch Der and I.

“Well,” Derek smirks at her, and I smack his shoulder. Prick.

“Our house is through the woods, but that isn’t where we are going.”

“It’s not?” Belle turns her head to the side, so that her ear is practically resting on her shoulder.

“Nope. We,” I swirl my hand around to indicate the three of us, “are going to have a picnic in Pixie Meadow, then after that, we have another surprise for you.”

Belle bounces on her toes and claps her hands. Excitement is racing through her thoughts, and I see image after image of what she imagines Pixie Meadow looks like. I have to cough to cover my laugh when the image of a typical forest clearing with Derek standing shirtless in the middle pops into her mind.

Before she can get any more wild ideas, I tug the hand she still has resting in mine.

“So, Belle,” I clear my throat, trying to shake the nerves away. “It’s a bit of a walk to get to the Meadow. Would you, uh, like to ride instead of walk?”

I’ve never, not once, allowed someone on my back. It forms a bond between the nightmare and the rider, but my stallion has assured me that Belle is our fated mate, so a bond is already formed. I trust him, more than anything else in this world or the next.

“You mean, like on your shifted form? You’d let me ride your nightmare?” Belle’s eyes are huge and I have a feeling she knows that this is a big deal, even if no one else is acting like it.

When I told Derek I was going to offer it, he just about dropped his eyes out of his skull, opening them so wide. Jack and Cypian were just as shocked. I’m not worried about it, though.

“Yes. It’s up to you, though.”

“I’d love to, if you don’t mind. I’ve never ridden a horse before.”

I should have known there was only so much Derek was going to let go before his joker side came out to play. He snorts and coughs to try to cover the laughter in his gaze and hundreds of images of Belle riding me slip into my mind. I reach over and punch him in the shoulder, mentally demanding he cut it out and ready to harm him if he doesn’t, but Belle’s sweet twinkling laughter pulls us both from our mostly silent battle.

Derek and I stare at her as she laughs. Neither of us knows what to do, both of us are absolutely drawn to the sound.

“I set myself up for that one didn’t I?” Belle giggles again, then walks up to the two of us and wraps one arm around each of our waists and hugs us to her soft, warm body. I’m two hundred percent sure she feels the effect she has on the two of us, but she doesn’t mention it except for a soft pink blush on her cheeks.