Page 152 of The King’s Queen

“Shouldn’t it be? It seems like a good policy to be polite to heirlooms,” I said.

Noctus carried me princess style, picking a path across the Cloisters roof. “I suppose it’s not an unwise sentiment.”

I smiled—the moment was too perfect. I couldn’t let it slip away.

“I think,” I started. “What you mean to say is—”

“Don’t say it,” Noctus said.

I ignored him. “Being polite is—”

“Not you, too.”

“A good way to win friends and influence people,” I said.

Ker’s hearing must have made a comeback because I heard her “HAH!” echo across the rooftop, even though she was standing in the parking lot with the others.

I laughed, then coughed and slumped against Noctus. “For real, though, I need a potion.”

“Nonsense,” Noctus said. “Just relax.”

I was considering turning into a cat to see if it would maybe hurt less, when I felt my collar start to warm on my throat, and the three red jewels started to glow. The warmth grew, covering my entire body, and soothing the pain away.

He’s healing me,I realized, when I heard the happy giggle of wild magic—which was soft, melodic, and had the same multi-toned facet to it that a singing choir did.

“Thank you, Noctus.”

“For healing you?”

“Yes,” I said. “You’re not my Amalourne.”

“Ouch,” Noctus observed.

“You didn’t let me finish,” I said, aware I needed to get my words out fast—the healing magic made me feel bubbly and a tad tipsy. I was going to start acting silly soon. “You’re not my Amalourne, you’re something even more rare and necessary for me. You’re my bravery, the steel in my spine, my reason to pick up a weapon that scares the tar out of me and fight anyway. You’re my trust, and my safety. Is there an elvish word for that?”

Noctus kissed the top of my head. “Not directly. The closest is perhaps Nutis—the blade that protects.”

“Yep, that’s perfect.” I sagged in his arms. “You’re my Nutis. Woah!”

French Fry fell out of the sky like a furry boulder, splatting against my stomach.

He cooed at me and walked his way up my chest so he could snuggle in against my neck.

“Hi, French Fry. Yes, you did a magnificent job,” I said as the trash griffin flicked me in the face with his striped raccoon tail.

Noctus’s chuckle was low and velvety—and the only warning I had before he jumped over the side of the building.

Charon, Aristide, and Ker were waiting. When Noctus straightened up out of the jump they clustered around us.

Ker pulled me straight out of Noctus’s arms so she could hug me, flattening French Fry between us. When she finished, French Fry slid to the ground with a plop and immediately began pecking at the ground.

I tickled him under his wing, but stood up straight when Aristide approached me next.

“You are an idiot,” Aristide said before he slid his arm across my back in a gentle side hug. “Don’t ever scare us like that again.”

I smiled as I leaned into the rare hug. “Thanks for caring, Aristide. How’d I do, Charon?”

The enigmatic elf just stared at me, his expression flat, but I wasn’t fooled.