Page 153 of The King’s Queen

“Am I worthy of being Noctus’s consort now?” I teased.

A smile so small that it could barely be measured settled on Charon’s lips. “No,” he said. “You’re worthy of being Your Majesty.”

Whether from the healing, or the rare show of emotion, my eyes teared up. “Thank you.” I lurched forward and hugged Charon. He stood for the sign of affection, even going so far as to pat my back.

I let him go with a laugh, which turned into a scream when the double doors beneath the Curia Cloisters’ front overhang were thrown off their hinges.

The Paragon marched through the door, Oleander and the elves moving with him.

“Noctus!” The Paragon beamed. “You saved us—the building is cleared, too, so I believe the shadow creatures have been taken care of.” His smile abruptly died. “But you have to get out of here—now!”

Ker adjusted her stance so her feet were spread wider apart. “Why?”

Seconds later, Curia Cloisters employees and forces streamed out behind the Paragon, zeroing in on Noctus.

“Don’t move!” shouted a wizard, who was armed with a sword—magic hadn’t returned to the area, so thankfully no one was wielding magic. “Put your hands up—do not reach for any weapon!”

“Wait, wait!” I struggled to slip past Charon and Aristide, who had stepped in front of me. “It’s okay—we got the fae who did this!” I pointed to the blond fae—who was unconscious and looked way more bruised than when I’d last seen him.

“Ma’am, there areelveson the premises,” the task force member said. “Step out of the way!”

No.My lungs twisted in my chest as I realized that with magic being cut off, so were the elves’ ability to make glamours.This can’t be happening. We just saved everyone, but they’re not going to see it like that.

“Oh,stop it,” the Paragon shouted. “Adept Hazel Medeis and the vampire Eminence Killian Drake are on their way over—they’ll handle things.”

None of the task force members took their eyes off Noctus, or the elf guards.

“With all due respect, sir, you have no authority in the Midwest Curia Cloisters,” the wizard said.

The Paragon grimly set his shoulders. “Don’t be an idiot, wizard. You saw the elf squad destroy the shadow creatures the same as I did. Theysavedus!”

“We have no proof that they didn’t do this, either,” the wizard said.

“Of course, you do!” My shoulders puffed up with the very real terror that was starting to set in. “We got the guy who did it! Question him!”

“We will,” the wizard said. “In the meantime, we’ll be taking all elves into custody!”

No, no, no. I whipped around to look up at Noctus. With his gear on, his expression was unreadable, but I could tell by the set of his mouth that he was resigned to the situation.

This isn’t fair—they revealed themselves to save everyone. How did this happen?!

I thought my ears were ringing in my terror, but it wasn’t until I saw the flashing blue and red lights that I realized it was police sirens.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Magiford police cars turned into the Cloisters drive, tires screeching as they stopped.

Pat popped out of the first car, holding his cellphone up.

“Juggernaut, stand down!” Pat shouted.

“But sir—”

“Don’t you ‘but sir’ me! They just saved the Cloisters—or did you miss everything that just happened?” Pat stalked across the parking lot, and with every step he took tension left me, my friends, and the Curia Cloisters’ force. “And that’s my little sister you’re holding a sword at—which, don’t kid yourself, she could use it better than you can!”

Pat reached our spot on the sidewalk and paused long enough to clasp me on the shoulder. “All good?”