Page 16 of He Saved Me

“We have another problem,” Gio says.

I look over my shoulder at him. “What is it?”

Gio tosses five pill bottles on the couch.

I look at him, confused about how this could be a problem, and then it dawns on me.

“Shit,” I whisper.

“Yeah, shit,” Gio murmurs.

Hector walks closer, and the color from his face draining when he sees what we’re seeing.

“What’s going on?” That was Max.

I rub my hands up and down my face. “These are Josiah’s meds.”

Max gives me his “yeah, so” look.

I sigh.

“It’s his meds for bipolar. He needs them, and if he’s out there without them….” I can’t finish the sentence.

We’re completely fucked now that we know Josiah is alone and God knows where without his meds to keep him “stable,” as Shorty would say.

“Fuck!” Hector roars, punching his fist through the wall. He braces against the hole he just made, lowering his head.

“If anything happens to him, do you know what it will do to Shorty?” He turns to me, desperation and regrets written all over his face.

“Then let’s find him so that doesn’t happen.”

Chapter 10- Sadie

“How are you feeling today?” Nurse Abbey asks while removing the blood pressure cuff from my arm.

“I’m fine.” I know she’s just doing her job, but I’m getting tired of having to answer this question every freaking day.

“Good. I’ll come back in two hours. Just hit the button if you need anything before then.” She smiles and walks out the door.

I rest my head against the pillow and shut my eyes. Finally, Some peace. Before I drift to sleep, my eyes spring open when I hear loud intrusive voices in the hall.

I can’t help but smile when I see the whole gang walk in like they own the place.

“We come bearing gifts!” Tiny raises a grocery bag in the air.

A small chuckle pops out of me.

Tiny bounces on the side of the bed and pulls out the bag’s contents. Dominos, Uno cards, a pack of Tootsie pops, fuzzy socks, a portable DVD player, an iPod, and adult coloring books.

“Thank you.” My voice cracks. Tears have started to form in my eyes, but I hold them back.

“You know what you need?” I glance up to see a mischievous grin on Tiny’s face.

Before I can respond, she throws herself at me, knocking the air out of my lungs.

Suddenly, the rest of the girl’s pile on, forcing a heartwarming laugh out of me. The sound feels foreign, as if I haven’t laughed for years.

“I got food.” Max strolls in with two large pizza boxes.