Page 17 of He Saved Me

“Yo, watch it! You’re going to hurt her jumping up on her like that.” Gio scolds trying to wedge himself between the girls to get to me.

“Are you for real?” Tiny asks glaring at Gio.

“Yeah, I’m for real. She just survived a fucking accident.” He argues.

“Would you two shut the hell up.” Lupe nudges me with her hand and slides into the bed beside me.

“Girl, I swear you look uglier every time I see you.”

I turned my head to Lupe. “You’re such a bitch.” I shake my head and laugh.

“Never claimed to be anything less.” She shrugs.

“I still want my hug,” Gio whines.

I can’t help but laugh and hold out my arms to him, “Come here you big baby.”

He grins proudly as he strolls toward me, but Tiny jumps on his back before approaching me.

The whole room erupts into laughter as we watch Gio try to pull her off, but the girl holds him for dear life, laughing like a hyena.

I turn to face Seb, who gives me a warm smile.

This is what they do. Mi Familia will do anything to put a smile on my face. I could never ask for better friends. They came into my life when I needed them the most.

* * *

We played a few games of Dominos and Uno. The guys turn the TV to the boxing match while we eat the pizza from Francisco’s.

I look around the room, and my heart fills with warmth and love as my friends surround me, allowing me to breathe, even if it is just for a few hours.

Gio sits on my left side with his feet on the bed, Lupe lays on the end of the bed by my feet, Telle is snuggled on my left with Tia onthe right, and Tiny spreads over my legs. Max sits on my right, mirroring Gio’s position. I smile, loving every moment spent with my family.

Seb walks back in, carrying a water pitcher, and sets it on my table. He looks at our crazy friends surrounding my bed and grins wide showing.

“All right let’s go. Visiting hours are up, and La Reina needs to sleep,” Seb announces.

There are moans and grunts from everyone, including myself. I pout at Seb, but he smiles and shakes his head as if he’s saying, “tough shit.”

“We love you, girl.” Tia kisses my cheek, followed by the rest of the girls.

“I love you too. Thank you…for being here.” I hold back a sob that’s trying to force its way out.

“You don’t need to thank us. We’re familia, and we willalwaysbe there for you.” Lupe says, giving me one last hug.

“Love you, Reina,” Max says, kissing my cheek, nose, forehead, and the top of my head.

I laugh, pushing him away, but he catches my wrist and says with a severe tone, “Whatever you need, it’s yours. You got it?”

I nod and smile.

Max winks and walks toward the door. Gio pulls me into a hug and whispers, “I love you. You are not alone. You fucking got this.”

His voice breaks. He kisses my cheek and pulls back. Tears glisten in his eyes. I tilt my head and give him a small, sad smile.

“I love you too.”

The rest of the gang leaves, except for Seb, who stays behind.