Page 89 of Angels Above

Though it wouldn’t take much to check it out, make a decision and then push work off to his staff. That was what he paid them for.

Mia moved over to sit next to him on the couch. “So you’re saying no because of me?” she asked.

“I didn’t say no to anyone. I’m just not interested, but that doesn’t mean I won’t change my mind in a day or so.”

She leaned over and kissed him. “Go with your gut.”

“I always do,” he said and picked up the remote to find something on TV.

It’s just he wondered if his gut wasn’t always right.



“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Mia said, walking into Cal’s house the following week. “I hope you’re hungry. I stopped at the store and got steak and some big potatoes. I’m going to make twice baked ones for you. Lots of bacon and cheese. Always a favorite.”

“Sounds great,” he said. “I’ve got something for you too.”

“I’m sure you do,” she said.

She just hoped he didn’t go all out.

She’d never been with a man that had before. He did more for her at Christmas than she wanted, but she wore her bracelet daily.

Mia walked into the kitchen and set the grocery bags down, then started to take the food out.

“Want to open it now or go change?”

She eyed the bag on the counter. A small one.

Curiosity got the best of her.

“I’ll open it now,” she said, putting her hand out.

He pushed the red bag with white hearts on it toward her. She reached her hand in to pull out the tissue paper, then felt around for the jewelry box.

When it was in her hand, it was small.

No way it was a ring. Not this early and it’s not like she even expected it.

She flipped the lid and saw diamond hoop earrings.


“What?” he asked. “They called to me. You like to wear hoops in your ears. Almost daily. I just got you another pair.”

“An expensive pair,” she argued.

She never wore expensive jewelry to work before for the same reason she didn’t wear fancy and flashy clothes.

Though she was slowly changing her wardrobe.

“You need to look the part of a successful attorney,” he said.

“I know,” she said, sighing. “Or I heard it enough in law school. But I’m doing it my way.”

“You love them and you know it,” he said. “Just like I love you and wanted to get you something nice. Why can’t I do that?”