Page 90 of Angels Above

“When you put it that way,” she said.

“Maybe I should have started with that,” he said.

“Maybe.” She removed the hoops she had in her ears and swapped them out for the ones Cal bought her. “How do they look?”

“Beautiful,” he said. “Just like the woman wearing them.”

“Thank you,” she said, putting her arms around his neck and kissing him. “I feel bad that all I did was buy food for dinner and make you cookies last night.”

She was smirking at him. Hoping he didn’t think she was lying.

“You made me cookies?” he asked. He was looking around the kitchen.

“They are in my car with my clothes. I came in carrying this stuff first.” And she got sidetracked thinking there was a diamond ring in the bag.

“I’ll go get them,” he said.

Which was exactly what she wanted him to do. She hoped to hell she didn’t make a big mistake with her gift for him. She wasn’t sure how she got talked into it, but there was something in her heart that said he needed this in his life.

“Please do,” she said.

She stayed in the kitchen and pulled the rest of the food out that she’d bought, then waited for Cal’s return.

She expected it by now, but when he didn’t come in, she immediately regretted the impulse to do what she had and went out to the garage.

Her car door was open and he was sitting in the passenger seat, a bundle of black and brown fur in his arms licking his face.

“What did you do, Mia?”

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” she said, plastering a big smile on her face.

“Shit,” he said. “Are you serious?”

“Are you mad? Cooper said I can bring him back. Everything. The dog, the crate and bed and food and leashes. I mean I can return that stuff to the store. The dog can go back to the shelter. It’s just when Morgan sent me the picture of him last week, I thought he’d be a perfect companion for you.”

The brindle Boxer looked to be purebred and about ten weeks old, Cooper had said.

“You know damn well you can’t return him now.”

“I know,” she said. “Isn’t he just a doll? He’s so happy and excited. Kind of like you. And listen to him. It’s like he’s talking.”

The puppy was making all sorts of comical noises.

“Let’s get him in the house,” he said. “He probably needs to go out.”

“I let him out right before I came over. He was at Morgan’s. She brought him home for me today and I had the rest of the stuff in my car already.”

“Then you get the dog and I’ll get the stuff you bought. This is a great gift,” he said.

“Really? You’re not just saying that to make me not feel bad?”

“No,” he said. “I told you I’ve thought of it for years.”

“Cooper said they are great dogs. Very protective. Very easily trained. Love riding in the car. He’ll be your buddy with you. I’m sure the girls in the office would watch him at times if you can’t bring him somewhere, or it’s good for him to learn to stay in his crate. You could try doggie daycare, but I think he’d be a great shotgun rider for you.”

“Yeah,” he said softly, holding onto the new pup. “I just need to think of a name.”

She reached for the puppy that decided he didn’t want to leave his new owner’s arms.