“Off we go then,” I crow, beginning my stream of piss, and making it right in the twatwaffle’s mouth.
Sputtering, she begins to scream as Sidney begins to pee on her as well.
“Throwing yourself at people who don’t want you is gross,” I tell her. I see my sister take a deep breath, knowing what she did to Silla when she first came to FRC. We’ve grown a lot. However, we are not perfect by any means.
Kelsea’s dripping in urine once we’re done, crying in humiliation, when my wonderful twin sister scoops up a large container of toilet water to dump it on her head.
“Never do this to someone again,” Andrya says, scowling as Kelsea scrambles to her feet. “Did I give you permission to leave?”
“No… n-n-no, Ma’am,” she stammers. “May I leave? I have to catch Monica to warn her not to come.”
“I guess that’s a valiant effort. You may leave,” Sidney grumbles, stepping away. We’ve both buttoned our pants up again, and put our cocks away after defending Grayson’s honor.
Andrya rolls her eyes, dropping the plastic container into the sink to wash later.
Kelsea slips twice as she walks out, and Sidney huffs in annoyance as he pulls out his blow gun. He has three darts in his hand as she scurries away, and stares at them for so long, I’m worried she’s not going to get away unscathed. Loading it, he blows hard, catching her throat as she runs out. Smirking as she wails outside of the room, Sidney shrugs.
“I can’t remember which was which, so it’ll be like dart roulette,” he snickers as we step out of the bathroom.
“Are you done playing with each other’s cocks yet?” Isaac snarks as Grayson walks in. Andrya moves to Isaac’s side, sitting down and picking up his hand. Finding the correct pressure point, she watches Isaac’s face as she manipulates it. “Oh fuck, you’re an angel…”
“Why did Kelsea come running down the hall apologizing to me like there was a fire lit under her ass? And why was she wet? Why… is that piss I smell?!” Grayson roars, and I fall apart laughing.
As fun as it is to defend his honor, it’s even better to fuck with him.
It’s really fucking early, and I slept like shit. Isaac’s dick is digging into my ass in bed, but honestly, I’m used to it at this point. I’m excited, though it's the kind that manifests as nervous jitters and butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
Fuck. My stomach lurches a bit as I get moving, making me frown.
“I’m going to the kitchen to get some toast or something in my stomach. I don’t want to be queasy in the car,” I rumble.
“Nervous or bubble guts?” Andrya asks as she throws on comfortable pants and a long-sleeved T-shirt. Cinder told us to dress for comfort, since we won’t be going by the castle at all today. Silla is supposed to be meeting us at the apartment we’ll be using as our base of operations, and part of me is worried that she won’t show for some reason.
“Both,” I burp, covering my mouth uncomfortably.
“Don’t brush your teeth until after you eat something or you’ll puke,” she says sagely. “Sidney, honey, can you help at all?”
“Herbal tea instead of coffee today,” he winces, knowing I love my caffeine. That’s okay, though, because I’m more than awake, so I just nod. “Toast and scrambled eggs should help as well.”
“Okay.” I sigh. “If you all want to eat, may as well make your way down with me. I’ll cook for us.”
“Nah,” Ayden says, shaking his head. “We’re taking care of you today, big man. Let’s go. We can’t have you sick on our first day out of here.”
Packing up any last items left out, we walk out the door afterwards together.
“So what’s got your stomach in knots?” Sidney asks, once we’re in the kitchens. It’s so early, no one will be up yet, so we can chat semi-openly.
“I had a hard time sleeping, like my mind couldn’t turn off. I sometimes get like this when I have to be awake early for something, but the other part of it is that I’m worried.”
“About…” Isaac drawls, sitting at the large stainless steel island.
“What if the Queen does something to Silla, causing her to be unable to meet us?” I groan, feeling like shit for voicing my concerns.
Andrya stumbles as she gets ingredients from the refrigerator before shaking her head.
“Silla is part of the deal, Cinder is too smart of a business woman to do that,” she says.