Page 66 of Double Cut

“Sixteen killed. Light damage sustained. The castle—” the robot, spending much of its time in the company of its mistress, used her term for their dwelling “—has been infiltrated. Light damage sustained to the public rooms. Seven dead. Poppet is safe.”

Evangeline drew back and gasped in horror.Those goons attacked the castle? How dare they?She wiped her nose with the back of her hand.I need a handkerchief.She then wiped her hand on her dusty skirt, giving Horas her other hand.

“Return home,” Horas commanded. “Commence repair of all damage and clear all deceased and broken entities.”


Horas led her across the arena. Rosie took a more direct route, climbing the wall and crossing the spectator seating as it headed toward the castle.

“Don’t look at them,” he murmured, wanting to spare her the carnage.

She could not help but look. Her stomach rolled with sudden nausea. She gasped his name, then bent over to vomit. He steadied her, holding back her hair while her belly emptied itself. After she finally spat the foul residue on the ground, he took her hand and resumed leading her across the arena. They crossed through a set of open doors and followed a dim tunnel to the compound beyond the arena.

“Where are we?” Evangeline asked.

“Sarus will be safeguarding Lady Masey,” Horas explained.

“How does he know where she is?”

“The late captain was not the only warrior here with supporters.”

“Ah.” She licked her dry lips and asked, “And what about the late captain’s supporters?”

He grunted. “If any remain alive, they’ll not divulge their treachery.”

She nodded, understanding what he left unsaid. “So, where are we going?”

“To town.”

“I don’t recognize where we are.”

“That’s because you haven’t been to this end of town,” he said. “We’re entering the residential section where many of the townsfolk and the mated officers live. The captain maintained a house here for Lady Masey.”

Evangeline didn’t ask why the captain’s mate did not live with him on base; she’d learned better. Instead she asked, “Why was the captain allowed to be mated and serve on active duty here, but you and Sarus aren’t? That seems like a double standard.”

“I don’t know,” Horas admitted. “He should have been relieved of his command as we were. I fear being stationed at the palace kept me too insulated from what was going on among my own people.”

She nodded. “I think Sarus, too, feels that way, only isolated, stationed as he was on Mor … Mor … Morin?”

“Moriya,” Horas gently corrected her. “We turn here.”

They took a left, walked a block, then turned right. They stopped in front of a small dwelling that Evangeline thought might not have looked out of place on Earth.Is that adobe or stucco?She tried not to look at the half dozen dead bodies lying about. As they approached the front door of the modest house, it opened.

“Sarus? Sarus!” Evangeline cried when he revealed himself.

Horas released her hand as she darted forward to throw herself against her other mate, again heedless of the dirt and blood. He grunted when she tackled him and wrapped her arms around her to hold her tightly against him. He locked eyes with Horas and dipped his chin in a small nod which the other male returned.

“She is unharmed?” Horas inquired.

“Frightened, but not harmed,” Sarus replied. “She does not trust me, although I defeated those dishonorable cowards.” He gestured toward the carcasses.

Evangeline leaned her head back. “See, I told you she’d be traumatized and not want another male in her life right now.”

“You are correct, little flame,” he agreed and stroked her hair. “Let me take you to her. Perhaps you can convince her that she is safe with us.”

His little mate took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Lead the way, Sarus.”

He smiled, mouth closed so as not to bare his fearsome teeth.