Page 67 of Double Cut

Horas snorted and grumbled, “You get your name; I get ‘big dummy.’”

Sarus led his mate to the room where Lady Masey had barricaded herself. Evangeline knocked on the locked door.

“Masey? It’s me, Evangeline. Remember? From the store?”

“Lady Evangeline?” a tremulous voice responded.

“Yes. May I come in?”

There was no answer, but a moment later thesnickof a lock sounded. The door slid back, revealing the female’s panicked eyes. Seeing Sarus and Horas looming behind Evangeline, she squeaked and drew back, slamming the door shut. Sarus wedged his foot in the doorway and grunted when the door crashed against it. Masey yelped and bolted for the far end of the room, crouching down and making herself as small as possible.

“Thanks, big guy,” Evangeline said. “Stay put. I’ll go to her.”

He nodded, not wanting to frighten the female any more.

Evangeline entered the room, closing the door behind her and speaking softly as though approaching a terrified wild animal. The other female flinched when Evangeline laid a hand lightly on her shoulder and said, “I know you’re scared, Masey, and we don’t know each other well. But you’re safe now. No one will hurt you again, I promise.” She crouched beside the female and murmured soothing nonsense words as Masey’s fragile control broke and she wept. Overcome with compassion, Evangeline drew the woman into her embrace and held her.

The two warriors waited in the hallway, occasionally exchanging uneasy glances while the two females did whatever it was that females do and hoping the larger and stronger Ahn’hudi female did not attempt to harm their delicate, formerly human mate.

“Our little flame will not appreciate our presence in there,” Horas warned when Sarus shifted his weight as though preparing to kick down the door.

Sarus sighed and took a step backward.

A moment later, the door slid open. Evangeline extended one hand toward her mates. Her other arm was wrapped around the other female who focused her gaze on the floor where her collar lay. She smiled at them and said, “Let’s go home.”


Masey was more than happy to take over supervision of the household and had no desire to assist the warriors’ mate in her scientific research and experiments. Half a year passed before she stopped flinching whenever one of the warriors spoke to her.

The two warriors were reassigned to serve in command of the military base where they shared administrative duty as well as continuing to train the recruits. Their new duties often—too often in their opinion—forced them to accommodate their mate’s independence and leave her guarded by Rosie. The mechanical arachnid accompanied her everywhere.

Having grown accustomed to the constant presence of one or both of them, Evangeline discovered she missed them. She met their return home from work with an amorous enthusiasm they appreciated.

When some of the livestock Evangeline requested finally arrived, she was surprised to see Masey had an interest in the animals. And she seemed especially drawn to Poppet. The newly fickle cat determined the meek female was his favorite person. Evangeline ordered (and received) manuals detailing the proper care, handling, breeding, and milking of goats, since no caretaker had arrived with them. Word from Earth stated that cattle were too large to export through the wormhole. Evangeline didn’t believe it and placed an order for a couple of kittens.

The goats, however, proved to be a good choice as the tough animals quickly adapted to the rugged terrain and rapid changes in weather and temperature. They even ate the native flora without ill effect.

“Huh,” Evangeline murmured as she took notes. “I suppose goats reallycaneat anything.”

Masey burst into her laboratory, breathing hard and looking panicked.

“What is it, Masey?” Evangeline asked, keeping her voice calm in an effort to soothe the frightened female.

“We-we-we have a guest,” she gasped.

“A guest? I didn’t know we were expecting a visitor.”

If the Ahn’hudi female could have blanched, her skin would have turned ashen gray. Instead, she trembled.

“I’ll see who it is,” Evangeline assured her. “Why don’t you go to your room where you’ll be safe? I’ll send Rosie to fetch you if you’re needed.”

The female nodded and bolted. Evangeline headed down to the entrance where Rosie stood guard and murmured, “Alert, Rosie.”


The spider shadowed her as she opened the portal to see the general superior climbing the staircase. Unease rippled through her; however, she was determined to be polite. To disguise her surprise, she smiled and greeted him: “Good afternoon, General. Please come in and make yourself at home.”

The hulking warrior met her gaze with several steps yet to climb. He nodded, his crest flaring to tall spikes. He opened his mouth and tasted the air, then pierced her with his penetrating yellow gaze. “There is an unmated female here.”