We crept off the highway and onto a winding road.

It's time.

I pulled out my special glasses, keeping them on normal mode. I got a computerized and clearer view of my surroundings.

Up ahead, the snowflakes collected delicately on the branches of the trees along the road. I had to admit that it formed a breathtaking, white-powdered arch over us.

“It's a shame so many will die this evening.” Anthony scanned the area. “This is the sort of night when you cuddle up with your favorite woman, sipping hot chocolate and making love.”

Snow covered the road in an unblemished layer of white. We would be the first cars to dirty it.

I leaned forward.

In the distance, the lights from Francesca's property peeked through the snowy landscape.

The grand estate loomed ahead. Its sheer size and lavishness were immediately apparent. Adorned with intricate designs and glowing with red light, the mansion was a fortress of luxury and power.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “That looks like the sort of house she would get.”

“Loves the flash?”

“As if she is constantly trying to prove herself to everyone.”

“A bit insecure for a boss?”

“Very.” I shrugged. “I understood at the time. A powerful woman in our world is always getting tested no matter how many men back her.”

Anthony waved me away. “Powerful men get tested all of the time too.”

“I would further argue my point, but I just want to kill her, so it no longer matters.”


Slowly, we moved closer.

Let's see what we have here.

I lowered the car window halfway.

Cold air rushed in.

The sound of music and laughter drifted from the party.

“Bad move on her end.” Anthony kept his voice low. “She knows you're out, searching for her. Now isn't the time to party.”

“She thinks the bounty on my head would slow me down.”

“It might have, but my lady has her own gangster connections.” I checked the rear view mirror. “Are they still behind us?”

“They are. When we shut off our light, they did the same, so they're blending in.”

“And your people?”

“Not far behind. Soon I will give them the signal.”

“Okay.” I pressed the button on the glasses, and the world before me transformed as the night vision mode activated.

The once dark and elusive surroundings were suddenly bathed in a greenish hue. Details sharpened and came to life in a way that the naked eye couldn't perceive in the darkness.

Through the night vision lenses, the outlines of the estate became crisp and defined. The intricate architecture of the building, previously hidden in the shadows, was now visible. The lush gardens, covered in snow, looked otherworldly, with each leaf and branch standing out.

There were valets outside her mansion. From the glasses, they appeared surreal in this mode. Their movements were fluid and efficient as they worked diligently in the cold night. Near them, I spotted security. Three men with machine guns on the right, and three more of the same on the left.

The driveway itself was less crowded than I had anticipated. Only a few luxury cars were parked there, suggesting that the event was indeed an exclusive affair, with a more selective guest list.

“Only three valet are in front.” I checked the other side. “I don't see weapons on them, but her staff typically all know their way around a gun. Additionally, there are at least six security guys with machine guns on each side. My guess is that there may be more in the back too.”

“You can see that?”

I tapped against the glasses. “This is a special pair.”

“Night vision?”

I nodded.

“That's all?”

“Couple more bells and whistles.”

“Now I know what I want for Christmas.”

“Let's hope you're not on Santa's Naughty list.”

“Fuck.” Anthony tapped the steering wheel. “I'm definitely on the Naughty list.”

I smirked at his comment.

Soon, we passed the estate.

“She's definitely partying in there.” I pressed the button, returning the glasses to normal mode.

A minute later, Anthony parked us in a secluded spot in front of an imposing mansion—one that seemed to have been abandoned for the night. Darkened windows proved the lights were off.

The mansion provided a partial shield yet allowed us an unobstructed view of Francesca's estate.

Will I really get my revenge?

Out of the snow-laden darkness, green cars appeared, moving with a ghostly stealth.

Anthony chuckled. “I love how your lady just assigned you men.”

I frowned.

“Honestly,” Anthony stopped chuckling. “I kind of wish I had that. Does she have any single sisters or cousins?”

“They're going to be my family. You think I would hook one of them up with a man nicknamed Two-Timing Tony?”

“I'm working on myself.”

I snorted. “Sure.”

As Rowe Street Mob parked near us, Anthony pulled out his phone, his fingers dancing swiftly over the screen before he raised it to his ear. His voice dropped to a low, venomous tone. “Listen up, Vipers.”

I turned his way.

He shut off the car. “Time to slither in close. Park near the Black Mamba.”

I quirked my brows.