He put up his phone. “What?”

“You call this car the Black Mamba?”

“What else would she be?”

Smirking, I pulled out the ski mask and took off my glasses.

Anthony dove his hands under the seat and pulled out several guns, holstering two under his jacket and one on his ankle.

I slipped on my bulletproof ski mask. The thick material was snug against my skin.

Rowe Street Mob emerged from the vehicles with their guns. Silent, they communicated with mere gestures, a nod here, a subtle hand signal there, as they positioned themselves strategically in the shadows behind our car.

With the ski mask securely over my head, I put the glasses back on, stepped out of the car, and turned my gaze towards Francesca's mansion.

Let’s see if there has been anymore movement.

I pressed the button.

Through the lenses, the world changed, revealing thermal signatures. The mansion, glowing with internal light, was now a canvas of heat and motion.

I shut the door behind me and studied the view.

On the first level, I could see the distinct outlines of over seventy people, their heat signatures blazing in shades of red and orange against the cooler backdrop of the walls.

“Around seventy on the first floor.”

“No way you can see that, Reaper.”

“I can.” I shifted my gaze up to the second level and counted six distinct figures. “Six on the second level, but could be more.”

“I need these glasses.”

My heart boomed in my ears as I watched that second level. “Francesca’s likely up there.”

“Where did you get those magic glasses?”

“Not magic, just high-tech. Thermal imaging, night vision, facial recognition, and even a computerized enhanced view.”

Anthony whistled softly. “I'm going to be a good boy next year, so Santa gets me some.”

“We make it out of this, and I'll take you to my connect.”

“The bookstore?”

Nodding, I switched my glasses back to the normal computerized-enhanced view.

Anthony crossed his arms over his chest. “What's the plan?”

“I’m going in alone.” I gestured to my ski mask. “I'm highly geared and more protected.”

“You're also an idiot if you think I'm going to let you go in there by yourself.”

I frowned. “While you may lead Viper Mob, you don't lead me.”

“You've got a small army at your disposal. Use it.”

I was about to protest when suddenly, from the shadows, emerged fifty men in sleek purple suits. They were armed, each moving with lethal precision. Some sported snake tattoos on their necks—a clear mark of their allegiance to the Viper Mob.

They stood ready, awaiting orders.

“You and me.” Anthony touched his chest. “We’re best friends now.”

“I didn't agree to that.”

“Due to our new brotherly love for each other, we have each other's back.” Then, he gave me a sad smile. “Plus. . .you're a father now.”

Carmen's adorable face flashed in my mind. With her tiny fingers, she handed me an empty cup of imaginary tea.

He's right.

I gritted my teeth.

“Got it, Reaper?”

Slowly, I nodded.

“Perfect.” Anthony rubbed his hands together. “What's the plan?”

I looked over the sea of men clad in purple. “We move with stealth. This isn’t a battlefield; it’s a surgical strike.”

Anthony bobbed his head. “Quiet and deadly.”

“The main target is Francesca.”

Anthony crossed his arms over his chest. “Knock out the Queen and the soldiers will crumble.”

The men in purple pulled out their weapons.

“Stealth is key.” Anthony glanced at the mansion. “We take them by surprise. Hit them where they least expect it.”

I pondered for a moment, visualizing the layout of the mansion. “A diversion?”

Anthony tilted his head to the side. “Tell me more.”

“Some of our people will create a distraction at the front, and draw as many of Crimson Mob out as they can. Then we infiltrate from the back, slip in, and kill anyone in our way.”

“Good idea.” Anthony gestured toward Rowe Street Mob. “Our brothers in green can handle the diversion.”

The men nodded.

I pointed to Viper Mob. “Half come with us. The other half help with the distraction.”

“We strike hard and fast from the rear while they focus on the front.”

I nodded, feeling the plan coming together. “Once inside, we split up. Take down as many as we can, silently. The less noise we make, the more ground we cover before they realize what's happening.”

“We need to locate Francesca quickly.”

“It's got to be the second level, so that's where I'm heading.”

Adrenaline surged through me.

This was it, the moment of truth. I knew the risks, the dangers we were about to face, but I was ready.

Anthony called his men over.

They gathered around us.

He held his hands out. “Vipers, we're about to shed our skins tonight and reveal our true selves.”

Several snickered.

I eyed him.

Anthony pointed to Francesca's mansion. “We're moving in to take out the Red Widow. She's spun her last web tonight.”

I guess he does have a way with words.

Anthony held up one finger. “Remember. Move silent but deadly. When you see that Reaper and I are in the back, strike fast and hard. No mercy.”