Oh, dissent among assholes. I can work with that. “Are you guys dumb or something? She’s always had a thing for Eric. She’ll ditch you losers once she gets him.”

“No, she won’t, bitch.” Bobby pulls my hair harder. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Carol laughs. “Don’t even try to get Bobby and Doug to turn on me, bitch. They like my pussy too much.”

Ah, hell, they’re totally whipped then. “And you’re okay with them fucking me?”

“I’m more than okay with it because you’re going to hate every second of it.” She looks at Doug and snaps her fingers. “What are you waiting for? We need to tie Eric up before he wakes up.”

Doug hooks his arms under Eric’s armpits and lifts him off the floor and onto a chair. Carol pulls out a few zip ties and uses one to fasten his wrists behind his back. Doug crouches in front of Eric, and oh, how I wish he’d wake up now and bash Doug’s face in with a power kick. But he remains unconscious, and Doug proceeds to secure his ankles to the chair legs.

Bobby must have bought the ruse that I can’t use my legs because he releases my hair and grabs my arms, then pulls me up and over his shoulder as if I weigh nothing. “Put me down, asshole.”

He ignores me, which I’d known he would. I’m hoping the sound of my voice will bring Eric back, but no such luck. When Bobby moves away from the others, I tense, knowing the time to show my hand is approaching.

“Hey, where are you taking her?” Doug asks.

“I’m not fucking her in the lab. This room gives me the creeps.” He veers for the door, and it takes a Herculean effort to keep pretending I’m useless. I hate that I’m leaving Eric alone with Carol when he can’t defend himself.

“Wait for me, dumbass.” Doug comes after us.

Before Bobby walks out of the lab room, I hear Carol say to Eric. “Alone at last.”

Fury rushes through my veins, but instead of unleashing it now while I’m at a disadvantage, I bide my time. “Where are you taking me?”

“To my favorite place in this school.”

“The cafeteria?”

He scoffs. “No. Why would that be my favorite place?”

Oh, he’s chatty now. I suspected this idiot was putting on a show for Carol. He’s not as psychopathic as he was trying to be. Too bad for him, I am.

“Because you like to eat.”

Doug laughs. “She’s not wrong.”

“Shut up, asshole.” He keeps walking for several minutes until we’re on the other side of the school building. Then he stops suddenly and kicks something—a door, judging by the sound of splintering wood. “Turn on the lights,” he orders as he strides into the dark room.

“You’re not the boss of me,” Doug retorts, but the light turns on just the same, and I see where we are. The workshop.

My pulse accelerates, but not because of fear. They couldn’t have brought me to a better place with all these sharp tools at my disposal. But I’m conscious that time is running out. I need to end these motherfuckers fast so I can deal with Carol.

“Oh, this issomuch better than the cafeteria,” I say.

“Are you mocking me, bitch?” He sets me down on a bench and glowers at me.

I figure Bobby and Doug aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed if they allow themselves to be manipulated by Carol. I bet I can make their loyalty waver now that she’s not around. My plan is puke inducing, but desperate times, desperate measures.

I widen my eyes innocently. “Not at all. I’ve always had a thing for guys who know how to use power tools.”

His brows arch and his stupid lips part, making him look more idiotic than normal. Okay, he’s hooked—now I just have to reel him in.

Doug steps closer, holding his junk. “I got the power tools right here, babe.”

Keeping the disgust off my face is hard, but I do my best. I lean on my forearms, pulling my skirt up and sticking my hand in the pocket with Eric’s switchblade. With my tights in tatters, I’m giving Dumb and Dumber an unrestricted view of my black panties. “Can’t wait to feel them between my legs.”

Oh my God, I’m laying it on so thick, if these two idiots had any functioning brain cells, they’d see right through my bullshit. But judging by how their eyes bug out and their jaws slacken, I’m in the clear. “Now, who’s first?”