Doug takes a step closer, but Bobby blocks his path. “Don’t even think about it, bro. I carried the bitch here.”

I try not to show how repulsed I am when Bobby pulls out his unimpressive dick and spreads my legs wider. He leans down, bringing his ugly face close to mine. I always thought his forehead was too wide and protruding, making him look like a Neanderthal. When he presses the tip of his dick against my entrance over my panties, my entire body goes tense. I can’t see Doug anymore with the way Bobby is blocking my view, but it’s now or never. I pull the switchblade out of my pocket and slice Bobby’s throat.

His eyes grow larger, and he starts to gurgle blood. I shove him off before he collapses on top of me.

“What the hell!” Doug shouts.

I jump off the bench, but now that I don’t have the element of surprise, I can’t strike him easily. He jumps out of reach, and then runs toward the tool wall. He’s going for the axe. Shit. I need something bigger than this small knife. I look around… and my eyes focus on the table saw.

“You’re gonna pay for killing Bobby, cunt.” Doug comes at me with the axe. I jump out of the way, avoiding the deadly blade by a hair.

Holy shit! That was close. My heart is beating too fast now, and I gasp for air. My entire body is shaking, but I don’t dare turn my back to him and run. I’m fast, but I’m sure he’s faster. Curse those fucking hockey players and their long legs. I’d rather face him so I can avoid his swings, and maybe I’ll have a chance to use my small weapon. But walking backward proves to be a bad idea. I trip over something and lose my balance, my back hitting the hard edge of one of the benches.

Doug is gripping the axe with both hands as he raises it above his head. I freeze for a second as fear takes over. Then I think about Eric at Carol’s mercy and snap out of it. By a miracle, I manage to avoid getting sliced in half, and he ends up embedding the axe in the table behind me. He can’t dislodge it fast enough, and I don’t waste those seconds. I plunge my switchblade into his side.

He lets out a roar and yanks the axe free from the table. I can’t pull my knife free, and it remains stuck in him. Doug’s dark eyes have gone completely rabid now, and I know my death is near. I shuffle back but hit my ass against another table. Fuck. I’m trapped. Blindly, I touch the surface behind me, hoping my hands can find a heavy object to throw at him. My fingers brush something sharp. I get cut, but I also know now that I’m standing in front of the table saw. Keeping my eyes on Doug, I lift the saw’s protective guard just as Doug prepares to deliver the killing blow.

“You’re dead, bitch.” He swings the axe at a side angle, aiming for my neck. Instead of trying to jump or run, I flip the table saw on and drop into a crouch, punching his junk as his momentum propels him toward me.

He groans, staggering forward, and then falls on the table saw. The wet noise of muscle being sliced is the most satisfying thing I’ve ever heard. Still in a crouch, I shuffle to the side and then unfurl. Doug’s eyes are wide and blank, and the pool of blood underneath him keeps getting bigger.

My breath is coming out in bursts, and my pulse is pounding loudly in my ears as I take in the room. It looks like a horror movie set. “Man, what a fucking mess.”

I glance at the axe still in Doug’s grip and consider using it on Carol. But hell, that looks heavy. I pull Eric’s switchblade out of Doug’s body and wipe off the blood on his shirt. I could sneak behind that bitch and slice her throat open, but then my eyes land on a thing of beauty sitting pretty on a table pushed against the back wall.

I pocket Eric’s switchblade. I’m already covered in blood anyway. In for a penny, in for a pound. It’s time to embrace my inner horror movie killer.



The sharp smell of ammonia jars me awake. I jerk in response and find myself tied up, my head fucking throbbing from the blow I received. The lights are still off, but I’m close enough to the windows that I can see my surroundings.

“Welcome back, babe,” Carol purrs, standing in front of me holding a small bottle in her hand.

“What the fuck!” I try to break free of the bonds around my wrists and ankles, but it’s futile. She must have used zip ties. I search for Valerie in the room and my pulse skyrockets when I find no sign of her or the person who knocked me unconscious. “Where’s Valerie?”

“Who cares about that bitch? I’m here, Eric. That’s all you should focus on.” She runs one long nail across my cheek, making me wince.

“You don’t know who you’re playing with,” I grit out, trying to figure out how I’m going to get free and kill this bitch in the next minute. With every second that passes, my heartbeat accelerates, and it’s getting hard to breathe. I need to find Valerie.

“Oh, babe. You got it twisted around.Youdon’t know who you’re playing with.”

“How did you find us?”

She scoffs. “Come on. There are only so many places you can hide and everyone who went to this school knows about the hole in the fence.” She pockets the bottle and sits astride me, curling her arms around my neck. “If you do as I say, I’ll untie you.”

I grind my teeth, trying to keep my rage inside for a little longer until I can find out what Carol has in store for Valerie and me. “What do you want?”

She gyrates her hips, grinding her pussy against my lap. “I think you know. I’ve had a crush on you since you moved to Stanmore.”

Nothing happens to my cock, not even a twitch. She isn’t Valerie. “Please don’t tell me you went through all this trouble just to get railed by me.”

She laughs. “Of course not, silly. The main goal was to get rid of my father permanently and make Valerie pay for killing Hansen. You’re just a bonus.”

Wait. She thinksValerieis Killer Santa?

“Why would you want to kill your father? Did he hurt you?”