Page 65 of Love and Order

“That sounds very domestic and probably normal in the course of a relationship, like how you’re used to seeing your siblings settle down. Next, they’ll all have kids and live happily ever after.”

He smiled because there was abutcoming.

“But I’m not from that world. I don’t know how to do that, and I’ve never wanted it.”

“How do you know if you’ve never let yourself believe you could have it?”

Backing away, she put space between them.

“Don’t do that. Don’t try to get into my head. I know what I want. I want the stability of being a partner at the firm, and I finally got it. Now I know I can depend on myself and the firm.”

“I’m not trying to get in your head, only your heart. I understand your tunnel vision focus on your career security has been a driving force, but what about love?”

“I know what I’m capable of and what I want. Love isn’t a part of that equation, Finn,” she said. “I don’t dream of happily-ever-afters and a house with kids running around. I’m not the girl for you.”

“So for the next fifty years, you’ll work as the best lawyer in D.C. and what?” Finn stepped closer urging her to not look away. “When you’re old and gray, who will be sitting beside you? Are you surrounded by grandkids? Or more cats and the love of your life?”

“I’ve only ever seen myself in my future. The one person I can count on. And now you and Maddox are trying to rewrite my little life.”

“Will you at least consider the idea of being with me? Not hiding from how you feel. We can start fresh with a real relationship where we don’t have to hide or steal moments together. Let me love you and just see where it might lead us.”

She shook her head, and her eyes blinked rapidly.

“No, I have too much going on right now. And I can’t be with you and then watch you go off to war and then just wait for bad news.”

“I don’t think the Navy will send their litigators out to the front line.”

“But you don’t know, and we both know the Navy will do what it has to do.”

“Technically, they could, but I’ll be working in D.C., unless I request a different assignment.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Nothing in life is a guarantee. Instead of looking for excuses, consider what we could create together. Admit to yourself that you have feelings for me, that you’re invested in this relationship, that you’ll claim me and be open to a future together.”

Hailey stood a foot away from him with her lips parted and her topaz-blue eyes filling with tears as she stared at him. She looked terrified, and he almost felt bad asking her to make a commitment, but he needed her to be ready to take the leap with him. Closing the final step between them, he took both her hands in his and placed one gentle kiss on her lips.

“I love you. Can you let yourself love me back?”

One tear slid down her cheek before she swiped at it and stepped several feet away.

“This is exactly why I didn’t want to start anything with someone I work with. It’s always complicated. What if you resent me for quitting the firm or get sent on a mission and killed? It will be my fault.”

“I didn’t quit for you. The Navy is where I belong. Those are just excuses.”

Shaking her head, she swiped at her eyes as more tears formed.

“Dig deep, babe, and be honest with yourself. Can you see a future with me? Can you put yourself out there? Because even if I’m not in the Navy, life can be fleeting. Here one day and gone the next. But I will love you every single day.”

Gulping in air as she started to sob, Hailey turned away from him. It wasn’t the answer he wanted, but she wasn’t ready.

“Call me when you’re ready to talk about us.” He left before he got down on his knees and begged.

Chapter Eighteen


The man toldher he loved her and wanted a future with her, and she freaked out in epic style.