Page 50 of Love and Order

“No.” She stomped into her office. “He was going to regret it if he did, but you arrived before that happened.”

Moving stiffly, he walked into her office and closed the door behind him.

“Hailey,” he said with a forced calm he didn’t at all feel.

Finally, she paused her search of her office for anything out of place and met his eyes.

“I don’t have any right to tell you what to do, I know that. But please don’t let anyone ever back you into a corner like that again. It puts you at an automatic disadvantage.”

“I can defend myself, but you’re right. You don’t have the right to tell me what to do.”

Finn’s shoulders stiffened, and he took a deep breath.

“I know I don’t, but when I saw him closing in on you, I felt the two worst emotions: fear and panic.”

“Like him, you have no idea what I’m capable of but I will never let anyone get the upper hand on me again. He wasn’t ever going to keep me cornered.”


“Not here.” With one last look around her office, she opened the door and waited for him to exit. “Smith was up to something shady snooping through my office, and I need to know what.”

Finn’s adrenaline crashed. He’d wanted to rip Smith’s smirk off his face, and now he’d like to tuck Hailey away in a hidden posh tower, where no one could ever hurt her again.

When he didn’t move, she stopped in front of him and studied him. Moments ticked by until she lifted one hand up to caress his face. She ran her delicate, cool fingers over his frown and the lines of his forehead.

“I’ll be more careful,” she conceded. “I promise he was one step away from my knee in his groin and a bloody nose from the palm of my hand in his face.” She gently looped her hands behind his neck and stood on her tiptoes to place a light kiss on his lips.

Before she could say any more, he took over the kiss. He needed to feel closer to her and know she was safe and still his. He needed to brand her with his mouth, even if no one could see it or know she belonged to him. Pulling her back into her office, he closed the door and locked it again, then pushed her up against the edge of her desk. She sat and spread her legs, making room for him to stand between her thighs. Her mouth and hands were just as needy as he felt. When she began to undo his belt buckle, he couldn’t fight the smile that pulled at his lips.

“Damn you, Finn Maguire, with your sexy, heroic need to protect me and this lush mouth. You force me to cross my own lines.”

A laugh escaped him. “You should talk, luring me in for the slaughter with your soft skin, brilliant mind, and dirty talk.” He unbuttoned her blouse to reveal her perky breasts covered by a thin camisole.

Laughing, she teased him between kisses while helping him lift his shirt off then doing the same with hers. “Nothing like armbars and finance law to get you going, baby.”

Her voice was deeper from the lust coursing between them, and he didn’t miss the term of endearment she let slip. Running his hands over her delicate skin he watched as goosebumps rose up along his path. With one hand he ran his thumb over the pebbled peak beneath the thin material of her bra and leaned forward to kiss her neck before moving down her chest, causing her breath to hitch.

“You’re mine,” he said with distinction as he cupped the back of her head with both hands, and his thumbs framed her face.

She met his eyes, searching for something.

“And no one is ever going to hurt you.”

She nodded before he sealed his promise with more kisses and then lay her back on the desk to trail his mouth down to her waist.

“You’re not going to regret this,” he said as he unbuttoned her dress pants.

“I already don’t, not one bit,” she said.

He ran his hands down her legs, pushing her pants to the floor, then back up her thighs as he kneeled in front of her spread out on the desk. She was offering herself up to him and he was going to give as good as he got. Hopefully, she could feel the shift in his desire for her. It transcended physical need—he wanted her mind, body, and heart.

Chapter Fourteen


Two hours laterHailey had trouble wiping off the smile Finn put on her face. After being thoroughly unprofessional in her office, he took her back to his home where he proceeded to worship her body more. The man was a sex god, but it was more emotional than basic orgasmic bliss. Something behind his kisses and caresses made her feel like she was the only woman in the world he could ever need. There was no other way to describe his attention to every inch of her body. He gave her tender kisses, nips with his teeth, and sinful licks of her skin until she was a ball of confused emotions but satisfactorily spent.

She enjoyed being in his home, among his things, but was surprised it didn’t seem more homey or lived in, like he wasn’t settled in his life. His condo had high ceilings with big windows to let in light and reveal amazing views of the river cutting between Virginia and Washington D.C. Wide plank, light oak wood floors that felt heated under her feet were accented by stylish home furnishings. A modern white-and-gray kitchen commanded one wall, and it was comfortable but also didn’t give clues about the man that lived there. His bedroom was a soothing shade of blue with cozy lush bedding, but there were no personal knickknacks or pictures. There was only one item that caught her eye.