“Is that my scarf on your dresser?” she asked, lounging in his arms in bed.
“Were you going to give it back to me?”
“Probably when it lost your scent,” he said.
Smiling, she turned back to face him and found his serious bright green eyes watching how she would react to his confession. She crawled over him to rest her chin on his chest.
“You like me,” she said.
“I like you very much.”
“You can keep the scarf,” she said.
If she was going to have to give him up, she wanted to enjoy all the time with him now.
“Why does your home look like it’s only a temporary situation?”
He took a deep breath.
“I’ve only had this place a few years, and to be honest, it doesn’t really feel like home. I guess it does feel temporary. When I retired my commission with the Navy I took some time off and stayed with my folks.” He laughed. “I know that seems odd for a twenty-something-year-old SEAL to stay with his parents, but I just needed time to rest and recoup.”
“That makes perfect sense, especially with your folks. Heck, I’d like to go be spoiled at your parents’ house for a week or two.”
His hand was stroking her back, and his smile told her he understood how fortunate he was to have the kind of parents he has.
“Once I got into law school, I got this place. It’s comfortable and in a great location, but I guess I still think of my folks’ place as home.”
“You were probably so used to moving from place to place you didn’t know how to create a permanent home.”
“Hmmm, yah, I guess I’ll just keep borrowing your things and fill this place up until it seems more homey,” he said, rolling her on her back and kissing her eyes.
“Not a terrible idea. I’ve probably maxed out the number of books and plants at my house. Now that I know I’m sleeping with a thief, I can start populating my place with extra things for you to take.”
“Or just move in here and save me the trouble,” he said matter-of-factly.
“What?” Her eyes popped open.
“Don’t freak out. It just came out, but now that I think about it, that could work. You said you’re outgrowing your place. Mine is bigger with better safety features: doorman, secure garage, live-in boyfriend trained to kill. It’s a logical idea.”
She suddenly felt confined under his body in his huge bed and pushed up on her elbow.
“Yes, a regular male companion with whom one has a romantic relationship. I looked it up because I knew you’d freak.”
“I can’t just move in.”
Rolling off her onto his side, he placed one hand under his head. A playful smirk spread on his face.
“Okay, Miss Independent, why can’t you move in? Clearly, we are very well suited. Our connection is like a raging fire that I doubt will ever go out, much less dwindle, anytime soon. We like the same food, both practice law, and oh, I’m obsessed with your body.”
“Moving in with someone is a huge step; it’s like a precursor to being married. People move in together to test the waters and make sure they don’t drive each other insane.”
Flipping back the covers, she stood from the bed and picked up the first piece of clothing she could find, which happened to be his T-shirt. It draped over her body to hang at her mid-thigh and only enticed him to try to peek under it while his hands reached out to her. Instead of responding to him, she started to gather her things.