His smile was gone, and a darkness settled in his eyes.

“That’s not how I remember it,” Parker said, flexing his hands into fists that hung at his sides now.

“Children, we’re not having a sparring match today, so you both need to just cool it.” She held her hands up between them and pushed her brother back, but he wouldn’t budge.

“Mind your business, Hannah,” Parker said.

With a sweeping motion, he easily pushed her arm away and sidestepped her to get closer to Conner, causing her to drop all her notes on the ground again.

“Damn it,” she said, crouching to pick up the sketches just as Parker took a swing at Conner.

But Conner was fast and ducked in time to give her brother a punch in the gut. He was so fast she barely saw it happen. The sound of wind whooshed out of her brother before he grunted and took a step back to get in a fighter stance.

“You son of a—” Parker took another swing, but Conner caught his fist.

“Careful, my mother is practically a saint,” Conner said.

Having intercepted Parker’s second attempt to punch him, Conner held her brother’s hand in a wrist lock, and Parker couldn’t fight back.

“Get off me,” her brother growled.

“Conner, please,” she said. Parker was only going to get more pissed off the longer Conner subdued him.

His green eyes met hers, and he shook his head before letting go of his hold on Parker. As soon as his hand was free, Parker took another swing at Conner, who just stood still with his arms at his side. The punch landed on Conner’s right cheek.

Her brother took advantage of the moment and tried to get Conner in a hold, but she jumped on her brother’s back to distract him. She didn’t understand why Conner wasn’t fighting back, it was obvious he was the more proficient fighter.

“Enough, Parker. You can’t just walk around punching people you don’t like,” she said as she struggled to maintain leverage on Parker’s back, her arms wrapped around his neck.

“Stay out of this,” Parker said, pulling at her fingers covering his eyes.

Meanwhile, Conner was leaning forward, holding his face, but he started laughing, a rich sound that bounced off the walls and landed deep in her gut. Shivers ran over her skin.

“Even your little sister can outmaneuver you,” Conner taunted.

“Hannah, if you don’t get off me, I’ll be forced to fight you too,” Parker said.

“You do that, and I’ll kick your ass myself.” A third booming voice reverberated off the thin glass windows in the old empty building.

Her dad.

Hannah let go of her brother.

“Hey, Dad, you came just in time.” She walked away from Parker and leaned up on her tiptoes to place a kiss on their dad’s cheek, covered in a trim white beard.

“Honey, were you trying to break up a fight?” her dad asked, but they both paused as Parker and Conner clashed again in her brother’s failed attempt to get the upper hand.

She watched in fear as her dad laughed.

“Just like the old days when you boys wrestled. Remember that time you both went to the state championship and won titles in your weight classes?”

Conner managed to grunt a response as he maneuvered Parker into an arm bar. Her brother winced but didn’t give in.

“Come on, son, you gotta know when you’re beat,” their dad said.

Hannah stood stunned. She had jumped in to help Conner Maguire.

Her brother was going to be pissed.