“In order to do that you’ll need to get a haircut first and maybe clean up that scruff. I think your breakfast crumbs are in your beard.” She pointed at his chin as if she was afraid of what could be buried in the long growth that had taken him years to grow.

“Clean up my ruggedness? Are you crazy?”

“You’re actually exceeding your own reputation right now,” she said.

“But you’re saying I do have a reputation for my rugged good looks?” He met her squinty pout with pride. “Careful, I’m starting to like making you scowl. Your nose is doing this cute wrinkly thing.”

He closed the space between them again and watched as her breath hitched, and her eyes fell to his mouth. He could see her pulse quicken at the base of her neck, and her chest rise and fall faster.

He’d only planned to tease her, but now as he stood a breath away from her, he realized he’d played himself. He wanted to pull her into his chest and see if her lips tasted like the hint of cinnamon he smelled as he got closer.

“I don’t like to be teased,” she said, as her eyes grew big.

He placed his hand on hers to stop her from tapping her pen nervously, and surprisingly, she didn’t pull away.

“That’s a shame.” He smiled. “I’m not sure I can resist, and we’re going to be working together for weeks.”

“Resist what?” she said, daring him to make a move.

Before he had a chance, a deep voice barked her name.

“Hannah, I thought I told you not to enter this old building until we swept it.”

As she spun toward the voice, she knocked all her notes onto the ground. And they both watched as his ex-best friend, and her brother, Parker Palleti, strode toward them.

Chapter Three

“Yelling is nota socially acceptable form of communication,” Hannah yelled at her older brother as he stomped toward them in a few long strides.

“Maguire, what are you doing letting my sister into this condemned building? Better, what the hell are you doing, bugging my little sister?” Parker asked.

Hannah bent to pick up her notes to avoid having to witness the display of male dominance.

“Parker, it’s been a long time. Do you know, I almost forgot you had a little sister,” Conner said, the sarcasm dripping.

For a moment she wondered if he really had forgotten she existed. She could have sworn he was flirting with her, but now she wasn’t so sure. Conner held out his hand to shake Parker’s, but her brother just crossed his arms over his chest, unwilling to even be polite.

“Cut the crap, Maguire. Why are you harassing my sister?”

“He’s the rep from the police unit assigned to work with us on the fundraisers this year,” she said.

She watched Conner’s cocky smile fade as her words registered on his face.

“Wait, he’s on this committee too?” Conner said.

“Yep,” Parker said.

“You know what, this is more of a two-person gig, so why don’t you just look for some cats in trees to save,” Conner said to Parker, and she swore steam blew out of her brother’s ears.

“Don’t taunt him, Sergeant. It’s not helpful.” She made sure to step between them. “Look, I know you two have some standing beef, but I don’t care. We’re going to put our differences aside. If I have to spend any time separating you like children, then I’m going to make you both get in the ring, and I’ll sell tickets as a fundraiser.”

“Great idea. How about a boxing match?” Parker said, puffing up his chest. “Unless you’re too scared, Maguire.”

“Anytime, anywhere. While you’ve been filling up on pasta, waiting for a fire, I’ve been brawling with street thugs for years. You don’t know what you’re getting into,” Conner said.

“Well, if we’re going to do a boxing match, there’s going to be rules. No dirty fighting or tricks like you Maguires like to pull. Just straight boxing,” Parker said.

“You should know better than to disparage my family, and I’ve never cheated anyone,” Conner said.