I stride into Le Cinq,scanning the elegant dining room. I have a table waiting on standby whenever I require it. My company sees to it that I never have to wait.
Just one of the many perks of being a billionaire executive. But with my status comes long nights and stress. I cherish these little breaks I take here.
My gaze finally settles on a young brunette waitress clearing a table in the corner, and I go completely still. I've never seen her in here before. She must be knew.
I take in her petite form, the way her skirt hugs her shapely hips, the way her button-up blouse clings to the curves of her breasts.
And holy fuck, her face. She has striking blue eyes and an innocent smile. The body of a siren, the face of an angel.
I swallow thickly, my erection instant and throbbing. The mere sight of a woman has never had me so hard-up before.
What is it about this girl?
It's like I have tunnel vision. All I see is her as I made my way toward her, like I'm in a trance.
I don't even see the passing waiter, and when I bump into him, I send the contents of a glass tumbling onto the pretty little waitress's crisp white blouse.
"Fuck, I'm so sorry." The words tumble from my lips as I grasp her arms, our eyes locking. I try not to notice the way the liquid soaks up her white blouse, making the material nearly translucent. A spark of electricity crackles between us and a flush creeps up her delicate neck.
She attempts to brush off my apology. "Please don't worry. It was just an accident."
I remove my suit coat and wrap it around her, my knuckles grazing the swell of her breasts. All I can think about is covering her before other male eyes see what I saw.
I don't know why I'm suddenly so possessive of this girl, but I am. I don't want anyone else looking at her. No one else can touch her. Only me.
"It was my carelessness. Let me make it up to you." I stare into her pretty blue eyes and fight back a groan.
Her rosebud lips part. "That won't be necessary."
I slide my fingers under her chin, tilting her face up to mine, marveling at how petal soft her skin is. She's like a porcelain doll. So beautiful. So fragile. And I find myself just wanting to take her home with me and lock her up. "Nonsense. I insist you join me for dinner...on me, of course."
Her cheeks flame as she struggles to form a response. She's clearly rattled, though whether from fear or desire I can't yet tell.
"I'm sorry. I'm on the clock, Sir."
"I know the manager. He will make an exception at my request," I insist.
After a long moment, she relents with a whispered, "Alright."
Triumph surges through me.
"Excellent. I'm Marcus Wellington." I take her hand and brush my lips across her knuckles.
"Charlotte Turner." A shiver runs through her delicate frame as she utters her name.
I smile, tightening my grip on her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Charlotte."
Our gazes remain locked, a silent promise of what's to come passing between us. I've found my obsession, and there's no turning back now.
I lead Charlotte to my usual table, pulling out her chair for her. She sits, smoothing her skirt over her thighs. I take the seat across from her, studying her openly.