In the soft light of the restaurant, she's even lovelier than I first noticed. Full lips, high cheekbones, and wide blue eyes that hold a hint of innocence despite her obvious intelligence.

A wave of possessiveness washes over me. I want to be the one to shatter that innocence, to expose the wanton creature she's destined to become under my tutelage.

"Have you worked here long?" I ask, struggling to keep my tone casual. I already know she hasn't. I'd definitely have noticed her. I signal the waiter for a bottle of wine.

"Today is my first day." She ducks her head, a blush staining her cheeks. "I'm trying to pay for school."

"Ah, so you're a student then. Studying what, may I ask?"

"Literature." She meets my gaze again, her eyes bright. "I want to be a writer."

"How ambitious." I pour her a glass of wine and lift my own. "To your dreams, Charlotte Turner."

"Thank you." She smiles, the warmth in her expression setting my blood aflame. "And you, Mr. Wellington? What is it you do?"

I stare at her a minute. It's refreshing to meet someone who doesn't know who I am. It's clear by her innocent gaze that she truly doesn't know.

"Please, call me Marcus." I take a generous swallow of wine, the bitter tang a poor substitute for the taste I crave. "I'm in acquisitions. My company seeks out valuable assets and makes them our own."

Her lips part on a soft intake of breath, and I picture them swollen from our kisses, bruised from the ferocity of my possession.

"That sounds...challenging." She fidgets with her napkin, her knuckles white.

I reach across the table to still her hands, stroking my thumbs over her knuckles. "Do I make you nervous, Charlotte?"

She pulls away sharply, panic flaring in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Mr. Wellington, but I should return to my work."

My grip on her tightens, desire churning in my gut. She'll not escape me so easily. I have her now, and I won't let go.

I swallow the urge to drag her into my arms and kiss the defiance from her lips.No, I mustn't frighten her.

"Forgive me," I say softly. "I didn't mean to alarm you." I release her hands and lean back, affecting a casual air. "It seems I've overstepped. Allow me to make it up to you."

She hesitates, watching me warily. "How do you mean?"

"Come work for me." The words spill from my lips before I can stop them. "You're too intelligent and ambitious to waste your potential waiting tables. Be my personal secretary. I'll double your salary, give you opportunities to advance. You can pursue your dreams on your own time."

I hold my breath, praying I haven't revealed too much, as she considers my offer. Her eyes narrow, and for one heart-stopping moment, I'm certain she sees through my facade.

Then she smiles, relief and joy transforming her features, and I breathe again. "I don't know what to say. That's incredibly generous of you."

"Generosity has nothing to do with it." I return her smile, hiding my triumph. "I'm investing in talent. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes!" She laughs, the sound like music to my ears. "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow." I stand and draw several bills from my wallet, more than enough to cover her wages for the week. "Go home. Consider this your first payment."


"No arguments." I press the money into her hand and close her fingers around the crisp notes. "I'll have a car pick you up at 8 am. We have a great deal of work ahead of us, Charlotte."

"I look forward to it." Her cheeks flush becomingly as she meets my gaze. "Thank you again...Marcus."

"The pleasure is mine." I bring her hand to my lips, kissing her knuckles once more and reveling in her shiver. "Until tomorrow, my dear."

With that, I take my leave, hunger and anticipation quickening my steps into the night. I pull out my cell phone and call my head of security. He answers on the first ring as always. "Yes, boss?"

"Get me everything you can on Charlotte Turner."