“See? She’s lovely in every way that matters. I think she’d make an enchanting addition to my collection. Moira Darling’s body was a feast I gorged gluttonously on.”

The hand wrenching my head to the side released my hair and moved to my ass, gripping a handful. His eyes widened as a wolfish smile played on his sinfully delicious lips.

“Naughty girl,” he hummed. “As I was saying, she’s fucking delicious.”

“You cannot have her, demon.” The people behind me hissed vehemently.

Rowan chuckled before catching my gaze again and holding it. “Get on your knees, Moira.” Without questioning it, I lowered before him, bowing my head. “Bloody hell, she truly is exquisite.” He bent, grabbed my jaw painfully in one hand, and forced my eyes back to his. “Who’s pretty, new toy are you?”

“Yours.” My voice left the tip of my tongue in a layered tone that seemed to belong to someone else.

Shock widened my eyes, and a shudder of fear ushered in the sensation of pins and needles pressing into my brain. Pain tore through my middle, and as I wrapped my arms around my stomach and curled in on myself, a scream tore from my throat. I was being sliced open from the inside.

“That would be the consequences of our liaison in the meadow, I’m afraid.”

The way his eyes softened, worried me. But before I could question it, he was straightening and walking to the sink. He came back with a glass of water, which he set on the counter before giving me a smile that was tight with pity. In his other hand, he held a wicked-looking ceremonial blade, which he used to carve a deep slice into his palm. Then the blade was gone, and he was forcing my head back and holding his bloody palm over my lips.

“Open that deliciously wicked mouth of yours and stick out your tongue.”

Dutifully, I did as he bid, but my obedience chaffed something deep within me. As his blood dripped over my lips, something else clawed beneath my flesh. His eyes widened, and his lips parted as he hissed.

“What the actual fuck?”

My vision sharpened, becoming crisper and clearer. The sounds of the insects outside buzzed loudly inside my head, echoing off my skull. A horn blared on the highway five miles away, and I could smell the driver’s rage before he gunned it. Passing the slower car recklessly, while screaming profanities out his window causing the other car to veer off the road to avoid a collision. Heartbeats thundered wildly around me, which I could easily locate. But my focus remained locked on the man who’d awakened something within me last night. As if he’d altered me somehow through the dream we’d shared.

It had been a fucktastrophy of a night and it was bleeding over into the day as well. I’d definitely seized the wrong fucking night to let my hair down and fuck around with the beast. He hadn’t even come with a damn library! Licking my lips, his eyes narrowed as I pushed up from the floor, ignoring his desire for me to remain at his feet. The air exiting my lungs was ragged and labored as I growled through clenched teeth.

“The fuck did you do to me?” I demanded, rage churning through my vision.

“What the fuck did you do to her?” Rowan demanded as he glared at each man and woman seated at the table. Every one of them seemed just as confused as they were terrified. “Aw, shit. You don’t know what the fuck your daughter created, do you?”

Rowan’s blood was dripping from his fingertips, and when I inched closer to them, his soft, gray eyes slid to me. Did he know how desperately I wanted to pull his bloody fingertips into my mouth and suck them clean? Everything inside me screamed for more, to taste him until I’d consumed each of his sins.

The way he took in my face made me wonder if the weird sex dream had altered him as deeply as it had altered me. I moved to reach for him, but when I caught sight of my skin, my hand trembled.

Shimmering, iridescent veins of silver pulsed beneath my flesh, curling in tendrils to the tips of my fingers. As I watched, black lines wove through the colored ones, slowly turning the soft, delicate shimmer, murky with its darkness.

A scream ripped from my lungs as I bent over, dropping to my knees as pain tore me apart from within. Rowan’s powerful arms hefted me off the floor and cradled me as he left the kitchen. Not a single person, not even Grams, tried to stop him, and all the while, it felt as if something was trying to tear me open from the inside so it could escape the cage of my body.

“Breathe, Moira. You’re okay,” he assured against the crown of my head, carefully rushing up the narrow, ancient staircase and then kicking my door open.

I didn’t ask how he knew which room was mine because when he set me gently on the bed, my back arched from the intensity of the hellish pain ripping through my middle.

“What the fuck is inside me?” I demanded as sweat coated my skin. If this were a horror movie, I’d guess I was shifting into a werewolf and the pain contorting my body was from my bones breaking and rearranging.

“You probably don’t wish to know what’s within you, darling,” he stated as he scratched his neck and lowered his eyes to my exposed thighs.

A sarcastic huff of a laugh fell from his lips before he turned and strode to the bathroom. The sound of water running caused my parched mouth to fill with saliva as he returned with a glass.

“Drink this, and open those pretty lips once more. It appears to be farther along than I’d expected. Our little rendezvous in Neverland seems to have left you . . . in a ratherdelicatepredicament.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” I snarled before grabbing the glass and draining it in greedy gulps.

The pulsing ache rounded my body from my spine to my stomach, and the empty glass fell from numb fingers.

“I’m going to throw up,” I announced, and he backed up, staring at me with wide, terror-filled eyes. “I’m going to throw up!” I demanded pointing at a small trash bin beside the shelves for my plants.

Rowan grabbed it and pushed it under my mouth as I began vomiting onyx-colored liquid.