“Bloody hell.” He muttered as I continued to vomit.

My body contorted and then undulated as something thick and solid pushed up my esophagus. I gagged, choked and tried to vomit up whatever was slithering up my throat while hands stroked my hair and ran down my spine.

Rowan offered softly-whirred encouragements that did absolutely nothing to distract me from the fact that something pushed at the entrance of my throat, wiggling like a magical snake.

I couldn’t take it anymore, and out of desperation, I shoved my fingers as far down my throat as I could and yanked on the slick, slimy bastard. With wide, horrified eyes, I tasted brimstone—or rather, tasted the way brimstone smelled—as the thing began to fight against my hold.

“What in the hell is inside of my granddaughter, Teivel?” Grams’ anger was palpable, even as she waited for his reply.

“Get out, or die.” His focus never shifted away from where I struggled to pull whatever was inside me, out, and after another second or two, his eyes bled from steel-gray to black, sightless voids and he said, “If you hurt her, I’ll end you before you ever take your first breath.”

Was he talking to me, or was he having a conversation with whatever was stuck in my throat? I tried to ask, but it was impossible to get words out when you had a snakelike creature pressed against your vocal cords.

“That’s because it isn’t supposed to come out of your throat, darling.”

Did he expect me to shit it out? No, he expected me to give birth to it. But apparently, he’d missed my uterus or some shit? I couldn’t even understand how it would move from my vagina to my throat. He flinched when my expression filled with horror and my face went bloodless.

“Frolicking in the meadow beneath a full moon has consequences, Moira Darling. It would seem you’re compatible with me, which wasn’t something I expected.” He glanced at Grams, who was still frozen in the doorway. “Normally, my blood would’ve ended it before it could be born. To demons, it’s poisonous.”

“You shouldn’t have been touching my granddaughter at all, Teivel. She’s not part of our world, nor has she ever displayed any ability to live within it before tonight. It’s forbidden for anyone or anything other than kin to introduce a blood-born daughter of darkness to her craft. You’ve broken the laws of magick by touching Satan’s great-granddaughter without first seeking permission. Unlike the others, she’s of his blood.”

What in the actual fuck had she just spouted? Had the entire world gone backwoods bonkers while I’d been away at school? Leaning back into the arms of the man who’d planted the slippery sucker into my body, I whimpered and began convulsing.

“She’s dying!” Her voice broke as the words slipped free.

“No, she isn’t, but you will be if you don’t leave this room. I won’t ask you again. In order to save her, I have to open myself to accept it, which means you’re fucking leaving so that I can save her life. The same as I did for you and those you’ve begged for me to save from being removed from this plane.”

The air grew thick with tension as she refused to leave, and he refused to act while she remained.

“Her father’s blood will ensure she doesn’t die. If you had even half of the intelligence you pretend to house in that pea-size brain of yours, you’d have realized what your daughter carried.”

“And what is that?” she whispered through tearful eyes.

“Figure it out for yourself, witch,” he seethed, and something slammed against the door before screams erupted in the hallway.

Blinking as I tried to process what was happening, the door slammed closed, sealing me inside with Rowan as his arms tightened around me protectively. It was the last thing I saw before my lashes dusted against my cheeks and Grams’ footsteps retreated down the hallway.

“I need you to be brave for me, Moira Darling.”

His arms tightened around me, both hands sliding to where mine continued gripping the thing in my throat, fighting to yank it free. Choking on the bile, I struggled in his hold as he made soothing noises.

“It’s my turn to try.” His voice, which sounded soothing to my ears, boomed through my mind. The multilayered tenor soothed the demon within me, and it went still. “You’ve already damaged her pretty throat, so get the fuck out or I swear to hell I’ll rip you out of her pretty cunt.”

My eyes opened as I jerked forward, spewing the long, slippery snake-shaped demon that had burst from my lips. I stared in horror at where it slithered and flipped about like a fish out of water, and then, just as I tried to convince myself that it was over, my stomach churned and contracted sharply before expelling what felt like hundreds of smaller versions of the first one from my stomach.

“Bloody hell,” Rowan whispered. “You’ve got to be fucking me.” His arms wrapped around me and forced me back into the heat of his body. “I’ve got you.”

“This isn’t real,” I whispered brokenly. “Right? This isn’t happening. It can’t be. I’m still dreaming.”

Burying my face into the heat of his body, I shook with giant, full-body sobs. Rowan held me tightly as my body continued shuddering with sobs. His hands stroked, petted, and caressed me until I’d almost fallen asleep in his arms. The creaking from the door being opened caused my eyelashes to part as light flooded the room.

“Is it over?” Grams asked, peering at me with concerned blue eyes.

“It is, but you need to tell me how the fuck she just birthed seventy-two goetic demons,” Rowan growled. “I’m also certain she just removed the magical seal from the Ars Goetia, which should have been impossible, even for me.”

“I don’t have to explain her to you, Legion. The only thing you need to know is that she carries my bloodline within her. No matter what Rena fucked, or created, Moira’s a Bishop. Besides, it wasn’t as if Rena was forthcoming with whatever she’d slept with to create her. My daughter’s been excommunicated and isn’t likely to return with answers.” Turning my head, I peered at my grandmother in confusion. “She’s dead to us either way, child. Rena abandoned her daughter in order to live her best life, at the end of the day, she left you. A Bishop never abandons their daughter—not ever. Sons are born human and sent tohimto be trained, but our daughters house magick and must be protected.”

“This is the worst acid trip of my entire life. I don’t even remember taking the shit this time, but I’m certain there’s a plausible, sane explanation for what is happening here.” My body went numb, so I sank deeper into the arms, cradling me. “Check the tea. Maybe the leaves were bad?”