Page 232 of Heresy

“I need to talk to you about something.”

Hell, I might as well have said we need to talk. Nothing good ever comes from a person uttering that phrase.

Stepping closer and flashing me one of her smiles that damn near melts me in place, Emily stares at me funny.

“Everything okay?”

I shrug. “I just need…”

Damn it.

“Come with me. We’ll find somewhere private.”

I grab her hand instead of attempting to explain, and drag her to the nearest empty classroom. Em’s feet stumble over themselves as she fights to keep up with me.

Already I’m making this awkward, but I don’t quit. Some deep seated part of my mind has taken over and bound my will to control myself in ropes of anxiety. I’m all action and no thought as I lead Emily into a closet.

The door shuts and we’re bathed in darkness. You would think it should be easier this way because I don’t have to see the question in her eyes…or the worry.

It’s not.

“Damon, what’s going on?”

Why can’t it be the mirror in front of me again? Sure, I felt like a punk standing there talking to myself, but at least I could remember what I want to say. It didn’t get scrambled just because her voice distracts me.

“Don’t talk.”

Soft laughter rolls up her throat. “Oh. I get what you’re doing.”

Her hands find my chest and it frustrates me. “No. Just stop.”

I grab them and probably squeeze too hard. Emily jerks her hands out of my hold instantly.


Just say it. Stop wasting time trying to figure this out and just tell her what you want.

“I don’t want this to end. And I know this is probably dumb to admit, but I think it’s also dumb not to say anything.”

Emily goes quiet. My eyes have adjusted to the dark now and I can see her face. She’s staring at me like she’s horrified.

“Don’t want what to end?”

I run my hands through my hair, jerking at the strands because I need my brain to work.

There’s nothing else to do but just spit it out. I know the words and it’s not like I’m standing in front of a class or anything. It’s just me and Emily and I shouldn’t be this nervous.

“I love you, Red.”

Holy shit. I’m doing this.

It’s like a dam busted and all the water is spilling out, the words coming so fast I can’t stop them.

“And I can’t believe I’m even admitting this, but I’m panicking, you know? I feel like I’m losing you when school ends and I can’t stand it.”

I dare to peek over at her, expecting a smile or some shit, but she has no expression at all, her deep red hair a curtain around her face.

Maybe she’s stunned.