Page 231 of Heresy

Maybe if she knows, I can keep her with me. I’m leaving for college, she’s traveling the world, but I’d give it all up…for her.

Pulling into the parking lot of the school, Ezra parks in our usual spot, his curious stare stabbing me in the side of my head.

“The fuck is up with you this morning?”

My head snaps Ezra’s direction. “Nothing.”

This is what sucks about being twins. He knows me too well. Attempting to lie is as futile as carrying an ice cube between my ass cheeks through the gates of Hell hoping it might stay cold enough to keep me from burning.

Weird analogy I know, but like I said, I don’t think right. You try making sense of what’s in my head.

When he looks at me funny, I give up lying and deflect instead.

“We’re at school. You feel great about it?”

He eyes me. “No.”

“Then you know what the fuck is wrong.”

I jump out of the Jeep before he can ask another question, grab my bag, toss it over my shoulder and stalk toward the building.

All the usual people wave hello or attempt talking to me. Not to be the sick that I am, I nod in response, tilt my chin, or slap palms as I keep moving.

Slowing down would be social suicide. I’d have to talk to people. Pretend everything’s okay. Like I’m someone who should be admired or fucking worshipped and shit.

Spoiler Alert: I’m not. Not even in the slightest. Every kid in this school has no idea how good they got it compared to my life, or Ezra’s for that matter.

But we smile regardless. Make it seem like life is fine. Because that’s all anybody can do when you’re stuck in a goddamned nightmare that’s stuck on an endless loop.

Stopping would fuck me up because I’m barely remembering everything I have to say to Emily when I see her. I’m afraid that if I play the role everyone expects of me, all that practice won’t matter. The words will disappear. Just poof…gone.

And she’ll be gone too.

School goes by and I go from one class to the next not paying attention to whatever the hell they were teaching. I couldn’t listen. It would mess me up.

My words have to be perfect. So I recite them over and over in my head until I think I have them right.

The bell rings for lunch and it’s now or never.

A cold sweat breaks out over my body, my hands clenching into fists and releasing again. I’m a walking disaster waiting to happen if one person tries to get in my way before I find her.

And then, there she is.

Emily Donahue.

A girl that I never would have said the first word too if it wasn’t for some stupid bet.

Now I stand here wondering if there are enough words in the dictionary that I can use to convince her we should be together.

Stupid fucking words.

I march toward Her even though I want to tuck tail and run, my hand brushing her arm to get her attention, and my heart thumping like a war drum the second she turns to look at me.


My name belongs on her tongue. Just the way she says it sounds different than every other person.

The words are instantly jumbled, and I spit out a pathetic statement that is nothing like what I wanted to say.