Page 78 of Violence

“Alright, well you two have fun gossiping like a bunch of schoolgirls. I have a bike to finish for the show on Friday.”

Nodding his head at Shane and me, Priest leaves the small office, and I cross my arms over my chest before locking my stare on Shane.


He runs a hand through his hair and grins.

“There’s not much to tell. I took care of a problem we both saw at Mason’s engagement party. Unfortunately, it got a little out of hand.”

I should have guessed Shane would push that issue to the extreme. I swear this guy isn’t right in the head. Maybe his mom dropped him as a baby, or maybe it has more to do with being raised in our fucked-up families, but Shane doesn’t just dance to his own beat, he’s got his own marching band.

“What did you do to Paul?”

I’m almost afraid to hear Shane’s answer. Not that Paul doesn’t deserve what he got. If not for him, Emily wouldn’t have that scar on her shoulder, and I wouldn’t have been the monster who put it there.

There’s a wicked glimmer in Shane’s eye, the side of his mouth tipping up into a smirk.

“I might have slept with his fiancée.”

Oh, fuck...


Because I know him better than to leave it at that.

“Turnabout is fair play, Ezra. I also might have sent him video of it with her screaming out my name. But I can’t take credit for the idea. I was only tossing their bullshit back at them.”

Sighing to hear it, I cock a brow.

“Please tell me you didn’t break any laws pulling that shit.”

“Not a damn one,” he says, obvious pride in his expression. “She knew I was recording her. If you remember Hillary at all, she’s always been begging to end up with one of us. It just sucks for her it will never end up that way after the shit she pulled. Well, that, and she’s a raging, psychotic bitch.”

My brows crash together. Talk about taking one for the team.

“Hillary? From high school?”

Laughter shakes his shoulders.

“The one and only. Her and Paul got engaged a few months ago, and I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to take out both of them. Especially after the shit they pulled with Emily at the end of the year. After Paul saw the video, he called me, threatening to kick my ass for it. I told him where we were, but didn’t think he’d actually show. Damon and I were both surprised when Paul walked in with six of his buddies.”

I can’t be mad at Shane for it, not with how much I hate Hillary and Paul. If not for them, Damon and I wouldn’t have been arrested that night, and Emily wouldn’t have that scar on her shoulder.

“Just call it settled at this point. I’ve got bigger things to worry about than them.”

He nods his head, his voice losing every ounce of humor.

“It wouldn’t have anything to do with your dad suddenly resurfacing and reaching out to Damon, would it?”

Although Shane doesn’t know what happened to Damon and me - something nobody knows because Damon and I swore never to talk about it - he does know more than Emily.

He was there when dad showed up to take us off every other weekend, and he was there when we were carried back into the house at Yale barely able to walk on our own.

I don’t bother answering because it doesn’t need to be said.

Shane curses under his breath.

“Somebody needs to take care of William. Especially if he’s going to start his shit again.”