Page 77 of Violence

“I was told to make sure the car couldn’t be driven. Looks like it’s not going anywhere anytime soon to me.”

Laughter shakes my chest.

“Bit of an understatement, don’t you think? The only place that car is going ever again is a junkyard.”

I also realize whose car this is. I can’t believe the shit Tanner is doing to Luca. The poor girl should have run the instant she laid eyes on him. I mean, I getwhyhe’s doing it, but the woman is being run through a gauntlet like nothing I’ve seen before.

Tanner is playing a long game, and if she ever asks me to help kick his ass for it, I’ll be happy to oblige. He and Gabe are two of the biggest dicks known to man.

“Hell yeah,” Priest laughs, proud of his work. “You should have seen the way I wrecked it. The damn car was bouncing off everything in sight, but I still walked away without a scratch. Reminded me of all the fun I used to have doing that shit years ago. I felt sorry for the chick that owned it, but I can’t stop cracking the fuck up about the look on Tanner’s face.”

I’m not surprised it was Priest who wrecked it. He’d worked as a stunt driver for several years and knew just how to total a car without killing himself in the process. After earning enough to buy his shop, he left the business to build custom bikes and restore old cars.

Priest jabs a thumb over his shoulder. “I caught it all on the security feed. Want to watch? Shane and I keep pausing it right when Tanner walks up because you can’t stop laughing when you see him.”


“Yeah. Sounds like fun. Is Shane around?”

Priest grins and puts two heavily tattooed fingers to his lips to let out a shrill whistle.

“Shane! Your girlfriend’s here! Lay off that fucking car for a minute.”

The squeal of the impact wrench stops, and Shane pops up from the other side of a fully restored 1970 Chevelle. He nudges his chin in hello before dropping back down for a few seconds and coming around the front of the car.

“I was wondering when you’d show up,” he says as he approaches us. “Bet you’re pissed about the other night.”

It’s exactly why I’m here. After the drama yesterday with Luca’s apartment getting ransacked and Tanner losing his shit, I haven’t had a chance to talk to Shane about what happened at the bar.

Damon has been tightlipped about it, but he’s been in a bad place after the unanswered call from our dad.

“Yeah, you can say that.”

His lips stretch into a shit-eating grin. “You won’t be after I explain what happened.”

“There’s enough time for you bitches to talk about it later. For now, let’s show him the fucking brilliance of the shit we pulled on Tanner.”

Shane’s grin splits wider as he claps me on the shoulder.

“You have to see this. I swear, Tanner looks like he’s about to have a stroke. Priest’s going to print out the best shots of his face so I can have them blown up into posters to give all the guys for Christmas this year.”

Priest and Shane aren’t wrong.

After watching a car accident that would have sent any normal person to a hospital, the video of Tanner walking up with his eyes busting out of his head, a vein throbbing at his temple, and his neck so tight you can see both tendons, I’m having a hard time catching my breath from laughing.

“Wait, this is the best part,” Priest snorts. “He asked me what happened, and I told him the brakes gave out.”

All three of us crack up again to see Tanner’s face turn a bright shade of red just as Luca comes running up behind him.

Shane wipes a tear from his eye.

“It’s his fault for being such an arrogant dick that he didn’t know who you were.”

With a shake of his head, Priest stops the video.

“Maybe this will teach him to pull that stick out of his ass and pay attention to people. Would have saved him a lot of trouble.”

I can’t argue with him there. Tanner can be a good guy with the right people, but to most, he lives up to being called Treachery.