Page 114 of Violence

Rather than listening to me (not that I thought she would), Emily closes the door, turns to face me and folds her arms across her chest.

“That wasn’t how it looked.”

Oh, Jesus. Is she seriously giving me that tired line? I toss one right back at her.

“Right, because you two were just inspecting each other’s tonsils with your tongues. Perfectly normal.”

“He kissed me.”

A bark of laughter bursts from my chest. “I’ve heard that before, too, killer. A little over a week ago, in fact.”

Locking my eyes to hers, I decide to strike where it hurts.

“Did I kiss you, too? Was it just me fucking you a week ago? Is that what you tell yourself so your conscience is clear? I’m sure you had no part in what happened between us either. It was all me, right?”

The pink over her cheeks morphs into an angry red, the color so dark it matches her hair.

The thing about fighting with a queen that’s important to remember is that these bitches have claws that sink deep and hit their mark.

“And I guess you’re perfectly fine with hurting Damon even after being held back and forced to watch someone else abuse him. It wasn’t enough for you to see him get beaten. You have to be the same kind of monster that reminds him what it’s like.”

I’m on my feet again so fast I don’t remember jumping up from the bed.

By the time I finally comprehend I’ve moved, I’ve backed Emily against a wall, her defiant little chin tipped high and my head ducking down until we’re eye level.

“Don’t even pretend you know anything about that. Don’t say the first fucking word about it.”

“I know I’m right,” she argues, her eyes like knives stabbing me in the face. “I know you can’t help but hurt people when you get mad. There’s a reason people call you Violence.”

She has no idea.

Rather than yelling or threatening her, I grin instead, the look cold and emotionless.

“Yeah, sweetheart, there is a reason they call me that. But there’s other reasons, too. Would you like to strip off your clothes and find out about them? I’ll be more than happy to demonstrate.”

Planting a hand on the wall by her head, I run a hard look down her body and back up again, my grin widening in a dare.

Her pissed off glare doesn’t so much as twitch in response.

Such a queen.

Strong and fucking fearless.

“This isn’t working,” she snaps instead of acknowledging what I said.

“You’re damn right about that.”

“So then we should end this.”


There’s no way in hell that’s happening.

It doesn’t matter how furious I am right now, there’s no way I’m letting her go again.

I push away from the wall and step back from her.

“In five weeks, we will.”