Page 115 of Violence

Throwing up her arms in frustration, she steps my direction and stops.

“Why? This is ridiculous, Ezra. It’s been one week, and already you and Damon are fighting.”

I step toward her.

“Well maybe if you’d make up your fucking mind about which one of us you want, this wouldn’t be such a fucking problem.”

She flinches at the words, her body going still before her stare locks to mine and a sweet smile splits her lips.

“Fine. I pick Damon.”

Oh, fuck that…

Pure rage filters through me at that bullshit answer.

“I think we both know that’s not your answer.”

“You’re right,” she says, her voice a bare whisper. “Because I pick neither of you. Just like before, and just like I plan to do again.”

Another lie.

I can see it written over her expression, can see it in the pain she’s fighting like hell to hide in her beautiful turquoise eyes.

“So you might as well let me walk away now since it won’t change the outcome.”

My jaw tics, her eyes flicking to the quick motion and back to mine.

“I can’t do that.”

“You have no choice. I can walk out of here right now and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.”

She gets quiet then, her gaze searching my face, this stare down heavy with everything we want to say but can’t bring ourselves to admit.

I love you, I don’t say.

I can’t stand you, is just another thought I keep to myself.

“This isn’t working,” Em finally argues as she turns to walk away. “I’m sorry, Ezra, but I’m leaving.”

She’s halfway to the door when I call out to her.

“That’s fine. But on your way out, why don’t you stop by Damon’s room and let him know about the promise you broke to me? Why don’t you tell him the truth about that for once?”

I’m shouting at this point, not giving a damn if Damon hears us.

Heneedsto hear us.

Needs to back the fuck off because this woman is mine and nobody else’s.

I know for a fact she’s never mentioned it to him. Damon has come up with every damn reason for why Emily left like she did, but not once has he blamed it on the promise she made me.

I’m not even sure why I’m suggesting it, but it stops her in place, her head falling forward before she slowly turns to look at me.

“Why would I do that? Why would I hurt him like that?”

Hurt him?

I know Damon has a thing for her. That’s pretty fucking obvious now. But hurthim?